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  • Honorbuddy resetting looting&skinning settings, pull distance and mounts....

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by fortehlulz, Dec 23, 2012.

    1. fortehlulz

      fortehlulz New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      I got quite a lot of problems with the latest version of honorbuddy (Questing, Kixx Profile, Singular Druid Feral). I save settings for mounts, pull distance and looting but honorbuddy will frequently change it to nonsense settings, settingt pull distance to 1, unchecking looting and will often not use mounts but just run round let alone use druids flight form... (I checked use of mounts, set ground mount, set flight form to flying mount, unchecked the random and automatic settings).

      Anyone got an idea how to change that?

      Can't attach log, because it apparelty is too big (4MB)
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Fortehlulz,

      just Zip any large logs--they are highly compressible. You should easily be able to upload a 20-30MByte log, if its zipped.

      You should only make changes to Honorbuddy settings when the bot is stopped. If you attempt to change settings while the bot is running, they frequently won't stick. Because your setting changes will be lost when the profile 'restores' the 'original settings'.

      Profiles don't fiddle with User Settings lightly, but they are absolutely required when they do. For instance, if you're doing an Escort quest, we don't want the bot running off to do a herbing or mining harvest while the escort is in progress, because you will fail the escort.

      Similarly, profile authors frequently set the pull distance to 1 when they will be traversing areas with NPCs fighting other NPCs. If they didn't do this, your toon would get permanently stuck in such areas pulling and fighting mobs that are infinitely and constantly repopping.

      And one last example, a profile would turn off the ability to 'skin' while performing the quest Hue. If this is not done, then Honorbuddy will kill the mob and skin it before the profile gets the chance to use the Delicate Shearing Knife to retrieve the needed quest item.

      Profiles should always restore the user's original settings when the changes are no longer needed for successful profile execution. If you identify a specific situation in which the profile has failed to restore the user's settings, then this is simply a profile bug, and should be reported in the appropriate profile thread. If you make such a report you must be specific. A generic "it doesn't restore settings complaint" is going to be ignored/deleted by the profile author.

      cheers and hope this clears things up,

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