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  • not sure if it's been suggested, but, APM is high af

    Discussion in 'Requests' started by thricex, Aug 15, 2016.

    1. thricex

      thricex New Member

      Aug 15, 2016
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      the APM on this bot is high as fuck. idk but someone shouldn't be able to spin a pokestop and catch a 250 CP pokemon literally within the first second of logging in. why this isn't a critical error and patched immediately is kind of surprising to me. it is probably the most damning thing about botting and why people get banned, because they're able to spin a stop and catch 3 pokemon before I can even take a sip from my morning coffee.

      I mean, it's been 6 minutes since I launched the program and i've caught 15 pokemon and spun 3 stops at jogging speed. if I were to be jogging IRL (same speed), i'd maybe have spun 1 stop and caught 2-3 pokemon.

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