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  • Any LoN LTK Monk Routine or Profile out there?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by jegon90, Sep 26, 2016.

    1. jegon90

      jegon90 New Member

      Sep 26, 2016
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      Hey guys

      i mentioned there are some routines for sunwoku sweeping wind LTK Monk

      but i never found one for LoN LTK Build ( Since its much better then sweeping wind...)

      Running atm GR70 at 3 min 30 or 4 minutes about 150-160b exp/h

      So is there any Routines for LoN LTK Monk?
      Or can i just default of DB?

      Im very new and its necessary to know that for me cause im thinking about switching to Demonbuddy since the Monk is my speed farming Character

      Another Question:

      Is it possible to run in a 4 man party with leader/follow and there are 4 different person so everyone would have DB on his PC not only 1 with 4 Sessions ?

      Thank you for your help :)
    2. TwoCigars

      TwoCigars Active Member

      May 4, 2014
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      You can use the .246 BETA on the #Builds channel of the DB Discord.

      It allows you to manually override the build, so you can force it to the Sunwuko LTK build even if not using the Sunwuko set. I am not sure how similar the play style is, but if they are pretty similar in skills and playstyle, then you should be able to do that.

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