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  • 1-100 Multibotting with Professions SVN

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by UsernameInvalid, Sep 2, 2014.

    1. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Botting For Begginers!​

      For some of you this may be your first thread, for others your hundred thousandth, but what we all have in common is the pursuit of automation in the Warcraft universe. I want to make this very clear out of the gate that I am not some super computer science geek, code bending, CIA hacking, ultra legendary programmer. What I am is some guy who has a passion for making things as simple and concise as possible for other users who may not be at my level of knowledge yet. If you find an issue in my scripts, addons, or plugins, this is the forum to let me know and I will do my best, given real world commitments and the complexity of the fix, to solve the issue as promptly as possible. One request I have of all users in this thread is to only be constructive and helpful to the other users. At some point in time you were new to honor buddy, or computers in general, and could not locate the "My Computer" icon on your desktop either. If you wish to make a comment, be helpful and polite, or ignore the post and let me help them when I can. I also want to be clear that botting is not safe, and your account can be banned the moment you attach honorbuddy to it. Do not bot on any account you do not wish to lose, you have been warned!

      Now that the framework has been set for this thread, lets get into it!

      The first thing that must be done is to purchase a key to bot with, I suggest buying six keys if you have found this thread and are planing to multibot : 1 Key 3 Keys 6 Keys Recommended

      Next you need to make sure your honor buddy is up to date, or download the program for the first time : Latest Download

      Now that you have your keys, and the latest version of Honorbuddy, you are free to start botting as you wish or continue following along to automate your characters as quickly as possible.

      Onto the automation!

      The first step in automation is an auto logging program. There are two you can choose from here HBRelog or ARelog . My preference lies with Arelog, and I will base most of this thread with that program, but as you get comfortable with honor buddy feel free to test out HBRelog and make your own choice. Which ever you choose, click the associated link and you can find the download link on the first page of their associated thread. HBRelog requires SVN checkout which we will cover next, ARelog has a straight forward download and installation.

      SVN Checkout

      One of the most used programs in this community is an SVN checkout like Tortise SVN , when downloading be sure you choose the right download for your computers operating system : 32-Bit or 64-Bit

      Detailed guide on setting up your first SVN checkout

      Your SVN file directory can become exponentially gigantic, therefore I advise setting it up anywhere but your OS partition. On my computer I have it set up on my 3TB hard drive and have a folder named "Profiles" so it can easily be found. The following list is a great starting point for new users not sure where to begin:

      https://autoangler2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk AutoAngler2
      http://multibotting.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ Multibotting
      https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/buddy-profiles.honorbuddy/trunk Kick's Questing
      http://hbrelog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk HBRelog

      Get in the habit of coming back to the folders on a regular basis and updating the SVN files by right clicking the folder and selecting the update SVN option.
      Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
    2. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Maximizing your Computer!​

      Original post here : [How-To] Lower cpu usage when multiboxing or botting.

      "Also If you are boting you can use these macros , file changes and advices to reduce the graphics even more and use less CPU:

      * These six macros are made in more parts since there is a max lines x each so you will need for each a new macro.

      Macro 1/1:

      /console gxcolorbits 16
      /console gxdepthbits 16
      /console skycloudlod 0
      /console particledensity 0.3
      /console lod 0
      /console fullalpha 0
      /console doodadanim 0
      /console mapshadows 0
      /console loddist 50
      /console maxlights 0

      Macro 1/2

      /console specular 0
      /console pixelshader 0
      /console detaildensity 1
      /console unitdrawdist 20
      /console waterlod 0
      /console basemip 1
      /console shadowlevel 1
      /console alphalevel 1
      /console textureloddist 80
      /console light 0
      /console fog 0

      Macro 1/3 :

      /console bitdepth 16
      /console showwater 0
      /console maxlod 0
      /console watermaxlod 0
      /console waterwaves 0
      /console waterspecular 0
      /console waterripples 0
      /console waterparticulates 0
      /console showshadow 0
      /console skyclouddensity 0
      /console skysunglare 0

      Macro 1/4:

      /console skyshow 0
      /console gxrestart

      Macro 2/1 : (on last line I put maxfps 20 but you can choice any number here)

      /console anisotropic 1
      /console gxVSync 0
      /console frillDensity 1
      /console groundEffectDensity 16
      /console groundEffectDist 1
      /console detailDoodadAlpha 1
      /console horizonfarclip 1305
      /console farclip 177
      /console characterambient
      /console maxfps 20

      Macro 2/2:

      /console smallcull 0
      /console skycloudlod 1
      /console gxrestart

      * You can also change your Config.wtf file (in WoW --> WTF folder) like this to reduce everything "lower than low" but I strongly suggest to save a copy of the original file in case you screw up anything

      SET readTOS "1"
      SET readEULA "1"
      SET readScanning "-1"
      SET readContest "-1"
      SET locale "enGB"
      SET showToolsUI "1"
      SET accounttype "MP"
      SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"
      SET installLocale "enUS"
      SET hwDetect "0"
      SET videoOptionsVersion "5"
      SET gxApi "D3D11"
      SET gxWindow "1"
      SET gxMaximize "0"
      SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
      SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
      SET farclip "setting 0"
      SET rippleDetail "0"
      SET reflectionMode "0"
      SET shadowTextureSize "2048"
      SET SSAOBlur "0"
      SET textureFilteringMode "0"
      SET terrainLodDist "200"
      SET enterWorld "1"
      SET maxFPS "33"
      SET Gamma "1.000000"
      SET ChatMusicVolume "0.29999998211861"
      SET ChatSoundVolume "0.39999997615814"
      SET ChatAmbienceVolume "0.29999998211861"
      SET VoiceActivationSensitivity "0.39999997615814"
      SET worldBaseMip "2"
      SET weatherDensity "0"
      SET realmName "Kilrogg"
      SET gameTip "12"
      SET launchThirtyTwoBitClient "0"
      SET Sound_MasterVolume "0.5"
      SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default"
      SET Sound_EnableAllSound "0"
      SET environmentDetail "0"
      SET maxFPSBk "13"
      SET wmoLodDist "100"
      SET terrainTextureLod "1"
      SET terrainMipLevel "1"
      SET checkAddonVersion "0"
      SET mouseSpeed "1"
      SET statusTextPercentage "1"
      SET horizonFarclipScale "0"
      SET ffxGlow "0"
      SET shadowInstancing "0"
      SET ffxDeath "0"
      SET ffxNetherWorld "0"
      SET ffxSpecial "0"
      SET lod "0"
      SET fullalpha "0"
      SET doodadanim "0"
      SET mapshadows "0"
      SET loddist "50"
      SET smallcull "2"
      SET maxlights "0"
      SET specular "0"
      SET pixelshader "0"
      SET detaildensity "1"
      SET unitdrawdist "20"
      SET waterlod "0"
      SET basemip "1"
      SET shadowlevel "1"
      SET alphalevel "1"
      SET anisotropic "16"
      SET textureloddist "80"
      SET light "0"
      SET fog "0"
      SET bitdepth "16"
      SET showwater "0"
      SET maxlod "0"
      SET watermaxlod "0"
      SET waterwaves "0"
      SET waterspecular "0"
      SET waterripples "0"
      SET waterparticulates "0"
      SET showshadow "0"
      SET skyclouddensity "0"
      SET skysunglare "0"
      SET skyshow "0"
      SET groundEffectDensity "0"
      SET groundEffectDist "0"
      SET lastCharacterIndex "1"

      * You can turn off audio in each window witch may decrease CPU usage.

      * You can remove any function from wow (combat text, HP tabs, all)

      * Another thing you can do to reduce CPU usage is to reduce your Desktop bits to 16:

      Right-Click on Desktop -> Properties -> Settings - "Color quality".
      Select 16-Bit and click "Apply".

      *IF you are botting with Honorbuddy
      1) press Settings and Tools --> General - Log Level.--> choice none --> press save & close
      2) Disable all plugins you don't need !

      Many credits from all I wrote here go to OC and HB community people but I gathered many infos from more threads and added here in one so people browsing these forums can also help themselves to run more WoW clients on their CPU's without having to search to many places."

      - All credit to original poster at top of my post!
      Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    3. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      This will be the thread I will be posting all relevant information to when the final reveal is issued on my multiboting project, and subsequent updates are issued. If you would like to keep updated on the progress or check in on new work I am doing with this plugin. This text is a placeholder just so I can get my forum signature updated and people can be directed here to know what is going on and a timeline for the project completion. At the moment I would rather not sell my private dungeon profiles so close to the end of expansion while I am dealing with writing new profiles for WoD, updating existing code, and given the time you will have your hands on it. However, you can bookmark this thread or find it through my forum signature, and I will try to keep you updated on my big reveal of the multi botting plugin/profile I am developing. I will be making a private post / website ($ to access the info) explaining in full depth how to set up your rig to fully automate your bots, but the majority of my initial work will be free to access here in this thread!

      In the meantime:
      CodeNameGamma Setup Guide

      How to attach a log
      Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    4. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Not sure how many posts I will need...
    5. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      I think five should cover it!
    6. patto92

      patto92 Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm really looking forward to this :) if you need any help, give me a yell!
      ynoorbz likes this.
    7. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      Hard drive with all of my data was accidentally formatted. I will pick up my work again when I get my main group to 100 and set up their automation.
    8. mansellboi

      mansellboi Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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    9. spiniox

      spiniox New Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      I always wondered, do people who run like 6 accounts at the same time like buy the game time and the game itself or do you use some sort of 1 moth trial or idk...

      Because I mean I already find that 13 euros per month is quite hefty and WoD is like 40 euros...
    10. Angelus

      Angelus Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      30 days free, 30 days gamecard, 30 days free gametime from RaF and by then they'll almost always get banned for me.

      Can be a bitch to find the 30 days gamecard though. Wouldn't try that if you have multiple dozens of accounts, unless you have a steady source.
    11. UsernameInvalid

      UsernameInvalid Community Developer

      Jul 27, 2014
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      My 10 accounts cost me 150$ a month, which seems like a lot, but depending on the month my gold sales will be 50 - 500$. In the months that I do not make as much, I cut back on entertainment in my budget and live life as a normal person otherwise. I am hoping to expand to 15 bots full time on 8 hour cycles by the summer 2015 run out of 3 different locations (houses/servers) to mask my identity slightly. On my 10 accounts (all under the same email with slight variations / and credit card information) none have been banned in 8 months since starting the project. I have a total of 58 lvl 90 toons right now sitting in stormwind waiting for leveling, 12 91-98, and 18 lvl 100 toons running daily garrison/profession cleanup until DB script/profiles are completed.

      The investment is well worth it on my end as I am becoming a much better coder, and considering that with the botbase I am scripting I am hoping to sell accounts down the line if that becomes a viable option.

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