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  • Banned 5/5 - What did I do wrong?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by ufeeboy, Jul 27, 2016.

    1. ufeeboy

      ufeeboy Member

      Dec 28, 2012
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      Looking for advice from the more experienced botters. Tried the 5 man dungeon leveling team for the first time and all accounts got banned for abuse of the economy. I used movie codes. Botted for about 4-5 consecutive hours each day for like 3 days. Then the prepatch and a day later I was permabanned on all accounts. Leveled to 15 on each account with HB with different races at different times and was never AFK so don't think I got any player reports 1-15. I set them to mail everything to an alt account maybe that was the reason? Only made it to about level 39. Thanks for reading.
    2. version

      version New Member

      Feb 12, 2012
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      To be honest, no idea. Just could be unlucky.

      My experience so far, ive had 4 teams.
      1x lasted the whole month while doing about 7-8 hours a day.
      2x Lasted about 25 days 7-8 hours a day.
      3rd Got banned at lvl 91~ (could be due to player report, i did some questing simultaneously which in retrospect was an idiotic movie)
      currently leveling my 4th team right now at lvl 52 (after pre-patch)
    3. doodyn84

      doodyn84 New Member

      Jun 17, 2013
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      I just got banned today on 1 of my bot accounts, really weird considering I've been botting for years and never got less than a month or month and a half from an account. I bot HoF for a month and a half straight 24 hrs a day and it took a month and a half to ban but this guy i was a little less predictable on, doing random things never 1 thing for too long, banned in a week. Not sure if just bad luck or hb is detected slightly better than it used to be, not really sure but i have a few accounts I am going to run right now to find out.
    4. spidawebz

      spidawebz Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      I'd wager its a bit suspicious that an account has connection times for n + 1 accounts all deriving from the same IP range. I think that's an obvious marker point.

      I'd also wager that Bot behaviour is much easier to spot than folks think not just from a data reporting perspective but even in game. For example, its painfully obvious to watch a bot in-game.

      Signs like:

      - When the Raid Boss / Dungeon bosses "move" the bots are extra quick to match the sequence. Think that most humans have a latency in reaction time, bots are instant. I watched a Raid last night and I just laughed at how easily i spotted it and thought "must randmize that reaction time more'/

      - When a bot is doing grinds / quests etc its not only obvious they tend to follow the same "paths" but also when a mob gets within agro range or even a hint of agro range, they react often BEFORE the mob has... for example a bot running in a straight line happens to just walk past a mob, reacts, kills it and then returns to that line... I shadowed a bot once to observe this and also noted at the obvious visual signs it projects.

      - Players aren't exactly "Observant". The assumption is sometimes you do something obvious, other player see's it, reports it and thats a trigger. Imho I'd wager if another Player sees you steal their kill or something along those lines, they in turn just "tell on you" as payback. Lets assume Blizzard then follows up on any and all reports regardless of the merits, at this point they run their data report validatation checks and sure enough it would likely trigger a "suspicion and/or confirmation".

      My thinking overall is to the "why" is that when you're not being Observed it's free and clear. The moment they cast an eye on your account the data footprints alone would give you away and even if that doesn't often just the actual visual behaviours leave markers. Overall, the only real saving grace you have is not drawing attention to your account - brand new accounts with more than 1+ IP connections for multi-hours in the same "xyz" zones.... that's a pretty simplistic report to "BEGIN" a diganostics check with. I think that triggers the "observation" protocols at the very least and then its a process of elimination.
    5. Jiniix

      Jiniix Member

      Jan 10, 2012
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      If all five accounts were sending cloth, greens/blues/epics etc to the same account, I'm pretty sure this was it. I had an alt on each account, no accounts on same B.net and ran all five from the same Windows installation, but unique WoW installations. Lasted 30 days and ran out a few days before prepatch. About 14-16 hours per day.
    6. spidawebz

      spidawebz Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      Yeah, my theory is that if you think of WoW as just a giant database of records, the digital footprint is traceable... i'm still playing with ideas on how to obsfucate this myself - Auction House is a potential easy mark for laundering goods but it would require cadence of time and careful trades (the usual obvious ones where you charge thousands for an item that usualy has a market value of 10's ..is not workable).

      Should point out, i'm using this in my Univeristy Studies for Pscyhology + Digital social behaviours ;)
    7. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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    8. m3thart

      m3thart New Member

      Sep 28, 2010
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      Same thing just happened to me. 5/5, all fresh accounts on a fresh Battle.net running dungeonbuddy to level, sending items to my main when bags were full. Got the same ban message about abusing the economy.

      I'm going to try another 5x team without the item mailing, that has to be it.

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