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  • Started to stream botting. What do you think?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Kuku, Jan 10, 2017.

    1. blewsclewsnews

      blewsclewsnews Member

      Nov 22, 2016
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      I have 3 replies for you:

      1. Calm down, write at a time you obviously aren't so worked up that a 2 year that's never written in their lives could tie sentences and words together better than this rant.
      2. Blizz does not need to prove anything when banning you, me or anyone else. HOWEVER, the fact that this guy very clearly advertised he was botting (the name of his damn stream was botting to dungeon level and then botting dungeons) is against both twitch's and wow's policies.
      3. Botting already is frowned upon by 95%+ of the wow and twitch communities. There's absolutely no reason to draw unneeded attention to yourself and other botters. If you want to bot, fine. You don't need to advertise it to the world though.

      As qztr and others have pointed out, I don't believe for 1 second that you have a clue as to what you're talking about. Your inability to tie your thoughts together in an even remotely coherent manner, along with the pure laziness you put into your text says a lot about you as a person.

      If you want people to take you serious, try to actually sound intelligent when you are writing things out.

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