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  • And to think I was planning on sticking it out..

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Beltic, Jan 21, 2017.

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    1. Beltic

      Beltic Member

      May 4, 2014
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      My turn to rant. Flame if you wish, I care not any longer. I was all for continuing to support you guys. I understand the need to change your policy because of changing economics. I have pretty much been biting my tongue on the decisions to invalidate a contract with your customers. Hell, I bought an additional key and more profiles right before all this started happening.

      But today - after logging in to BuddyAuth earlier this morning to VERIFY when my lifetime key expires - which was shown to be 2024 for my "lifetime" key (10 years from when I purchased it) I was BOOTED out of the bot today with "your key has expired".

      What a fucking shitty way to treat your customers. I have personally spent over $500.00 on these bots and products - and yes, you guys gets a HUGE percentage of all items sold on the store. That may not seem like alot of money, but it was to me. Do you really thing this attitude and method is going to promote additional purchases of keys?

      Many have already pointed out that since the new "3.0" version, support of the bot has been less than previous versions. The mesh issues is one that drives me up a wall, but I live with it, and continued on.

      It is really a disappointment to a lot of your users and customers that you ended up doing this. I fear for your future - its does not look good. Yeah, you will have a following, but it will most likely not be anything like it has been previously.

      I know for one - when my "new" key expires in 2018, its highly unlikely i will buy another key. I know I wont be supporting you buy buying additional profiles - and that sucks for the developers of those profiles, because THEY didn't have anything to do with this ARBITRARY decision that has been made.

      It wouldn't surprise me in the least that you guys start trolling these forums and anyone voicing a strong opinion against this decision of yours not only finds them selves banned from the forums, but there key mysteriously expires. Seems like that is where your headed to anyway.

      Rant off - just another pissed off and frustrated customer.
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there is already a thread about it,use it

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