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  • Lifetime change/ fix HB

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Slimwaffle, Jan 21, 2017.

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    1. Slimwaffle

      Slimwaffle New Member

      Nov 7, 2013
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      So my key just expired like everyone else's. Yay for me more useless crap paid for I can't use. So I am going to explain why bossland won't be getting anymore of my money and I won't be getting a new key. In the process I might be able to help prevent people from wasting their money in the future.
      I paid for a lifetime service. I can't use said lifetime service. I paid for combat routines that were advertised as regularly updated only to have to buy them a second time around when legion released. And I can't use those either. I could probably challenge this through a bank or some such but what a waste of time.
      Here are some straight facts for people. Honorbuddy used to be great. Now its just not worth the money. Here is why.
      There is a lack of good developers now compared to a few years ago. This means you might not be able to get a good routine for your class.
      The dungeon bot that is supposed to afk grind LFR and Dungeons used to be great back in MOP. Now its non existent. Sorry I should say its there it just doesn't work.
      The constant ban waves. For the first few years of botting, things were great. Now they ban wave every couple of months. Honorbuddy are good at making it look like something is being done. But the waves still happen every couple of months.
      The levelling routines get stuck a lot. Questing bot gets stuck a lot. Do you want to get banned for running into a wall for an hour while you are busy having a life? Then buy honorbuddy.

      If you actually gave a shit about your customers. Finish legion buddy which was supposed to be your 64 bit version of HB. Look into how they are scanning for HB and fix it. Restore the lifetime members or atleast give them a 1 year key. Get rid of old routines and profiles off the store that are just shit and don't work. Create some new profiles for dungeons and raids.

      I wouldn't mind buying it again if it were actually worth it. We get it you need money because of lawsuits. But your just honestly not earning it lately.
    2. joseph

      joseph Member

      May 28, 2013
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      2 euro a month for 1 session
      leveling quests FREE No Suramar
      World Quest free or 25 euro
      complete suramar quests 30 euro
      50% combat routine free 60-70% dps Combat routine 15-20 euro
      Raids old ones pre-MoP 25 euros
      Raids MoP and WoD Not working
      Dungeons and raids legion NONE
      PVP haha instant ban
      Safe bans every 3-6 months now
      Help from Bossland GmbH NONE
      Grumpy Community Developers that think you own them your life ... Too many
      Great Community Developers too few

      Total = Old bot that dose nothing but farm, quest, and get you Banned
    3. Pralen

      Pralen Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      Agree, just bought another lifetime Subscription on another bot, also failed at banwaves, but hey atleast they dont scam.... same options, just hope they get some more devs for profiles and routines.
    4. Bobbie

      Bobbie New Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      On point! Damn!
    5. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      there is already a thread up,use it

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