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  • 16.08.2015 Permanently banned.

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Floxydoxymetachlorine, Aug 17, 2015.

    1. Floxydoxymetachlorine

      Floxydoxymetachlorine New Member

      Nov 9, 2014
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      Was the game account created after the 13-May-2015 banwave?
      No, actually the account is more than ten years old.

      EU or US realm?

      Did the account have any previous suspensions or bans?
      I believe one, for 72 hours. Which was issued shortly after the May banwave.

      How many (average) hours per day did you bot?
      I'd lie if I said a number below 7-8. Maybe more at times.

      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot?
      Rarely did I do so, since I'm not home when the botting occurs.

      Was your account involved in gold selling?

      How many auctions per day did you post on this account?
      (If you were posting auctions at some other timeframe than "per day", please describe your magnitude and frequency as appropriate.)
      Well, whenever something good dropped, but I never really farmed auctions with the bot.

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? If so, which ones?
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)
      Only the most recent versions.

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? If so, what are their names?
      I believe patches aren't considered something of the above.

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share?
      Well, have been botting for nearly four months, survived the banwave by evading the Battle.net client's presence. But I suppose that player reports got the better off me. Was a good run, and after all those years, I believe it is finally time to retire from this addiction. Thank you for helping me experience the end-game content, however pathetic it is nowadays.

      P.S. Now that I overlook the log file, was my mistake that I left BGBuddy running with a Questing profile? Could've done some weird stuff, I reckon.

      View attachment 7856 2015-08-16 12.46.txt View attachment 7856 2015-08-16 12.46.txt

      Last edited: Aug 17, 2015

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