• Visit Rebornbuddy
  • 72 Stunden Banned

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by battschack, Sep 29, 2015.

    1. battschack

      battschack Member

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Hi kann leider nicht wirklich en daher schreibe ich es einfach mal in deutsch.

      Ich wurde vorher noch nie gebannt habe jahre lang gebotet aber im moment scheint blizzard wohl auf bot jagt zu sein. Habe auch weder übertrieben oder sonst was nie länger wie 3-6std am stück.

      About your account:
      Was the game account created after the 13-May-2015 banwave? ****Yes

      EU or US realm? EU

      Did the account have any previous suspensions or bans? **** Nein

      How many (average) hours per day did you bot? ****3-6Stunden, habe vor ca. 3tagen wieder angefangen und heute gebannt ;)

      What estimated percentage of the time did you supervise your bot? ****50% Nebenbei Dota2 gezockt immer oder halt am tv gewesen.

      Was your account involved in gold selling? ****Nein noch nie.

      How many auctions per day did you post on this account? ****Garkeine, Vor 3 tagen angefangen und nur Pvp gemacht+ Garni bots ausprobiert aber auch nicht lange.
      (If you were posting auctions at some other timeframe than "per day", please describe your magnitude and frequency as appropriate.)

      Did you use any non-Honorbuddy bots with this account? If so, which ones? ****Keine nur Buddy
      (A non-legitimate Honorbuddy should be listed here, as it does not have the same account protections as legitimate Honorbuddy.)

      Did you use any H4cks, Che4ts, or mods with this account? If so, what are their names? ****nein

      Do you have any observations about the event you'd like to share? ******???? nein

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