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  • 6month ban

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Winsock, Nov 30, 2016.

    1. Winsock

      Winsock New Member

      Dec 3, 2012
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      Yea i just got off my 6 month ban i bottled for 4 years they finally got me and they drop the ban hammer so hard on my head i been seeing stars since. I have to admit they got me so scared i wont even touch the bot no more i want to some times because some of the farming is boring as hell but i don't want to risk my account being perm ban. I use to do it 8 hours on then 2 days off and worked I guess they were just getting the junk on me and then were gonna drop it on me when they could catch me in the act they won if wat they wanted was to scare the piss out of someone that played 8 years in the game that don't want to lose his account they got me. But I'm sadden i don't feel like playing anymore maybe that sad because maybe boting was the worst thing to do but i mean as i told a friend I'm not saying wat i was doing was right but you do farming for enough time and the luster of it or that was there wears fast. Anyways sorry if this a long post i jut though i post mine :).

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