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  • Alliance Questing Kalimdor - Need testers

    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by Cicrocoft, Jan 29, 2017.

    1. Cicrocoft

      Cicrocoft New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      I am currently attempting to script every quest 1-60, so users can choose what path they want to level, rather than all of us following Kicks one track profile (which also works fine).

      The profiles might be more suited for non-gold farmers as it is not optimised for speed leveling at this point, due to zone completion.

      I am currently focusing on Kalimdor, getting back to Eastern Kingdom once finished.

      Due to the recent HB life-sub change, I only have one HB key, so I need 1-3 dedicated testers inorder to speed up the testing phase.

      Areas written as of 30-JAN-2017:
      Color codes:
      Green: +99% AFK
      Yellow: Few or none bugs
      Red: Expect bugs/critical issue found

      Currently ready areas:
      Eastern Kingdom:
      Dwarf Starting area*
      Gnome Starting area*
      Dun Morogh
      Loch Modan

      Arathi Highlands
      The Hinterlands
      Western Plaguelands
      Eastern Plaguelands
      Searing Gorge
      Burning Steppes
      Swamp Of Sorrows*
      Blasted Lands*

      Human Starting area*

      Ammen Vale
      Azuremyst Isle
      Darkshore* (Working out a big bug/issue, then this profile is AFK)

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