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    Discussion in 'Lazymon Forum' started by efifi, Dec 14, 2016.

    1. efifi

      efifi New Member

      Sep 10, 2016
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      here are my observations

      The basic functions are all working.....

      - select a start location, just like PF
      - enter user name and password when requested (i had to exit the app twice for the prompt to appear)
      - use the WASD keys to move
      - use the mouse to click on a pokemon or pokestop
      - after clicking on a pokemon, select CATCH and then select USE POKEBALL to catch the pokemon (i assume this will include ultra and master balls when you have them)
      - Select LOOT after clicking on a pokestop
      - you can see all yours pokemon, items, eggs (just cant do much with them yet)


      - none that i found. One or two pokemon were not selectable - but they may have disappeared and the screen not updated, or i missed the message.

      Whats missing....... coming soon
      - item recycling
      - placing eggs in incubators
      - transferring pokemon
      - evolving pokemon
      - upgrading pokemon
      - gyms?
      - purchasing pokemon and bag upgrades

      Some of the above is already in PF, so i imagine its quick to implement in LM2D

      Now at Level 8 after 30 mins of playing.

      Great idea and easy gameplay

      I recommend you try and support the PF team
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      yep we are working on those new features already :)

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