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    Discussion in 'Requests' started by Dranais, Sep 8, 2013.

    1. Dranais

      Dranais New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I doesn't think that somebody have ever made this sort of plugin but it will be awesome to have for all these that are doing multibotting.

      Instead of having to manually configure Honorbuddy on all the character (it's really a pain when we're having many many bot) why not make a plugin that will allow us to save the current settings, the activated plugin, all the plugin setting. So instead of having to do the same on all the Honorbuddy window we could just configure it one time, save it and then load it on all the other session. Wouldn't it be great ?
    2. Sniikki

      Sniikki New Member

      Aug 23, 2013
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      Heya Dranais,

      I have two seperate Wow installations on my main computer - one for my main account and one for my botting account. I also have a laptop which i use for botting and it aswell got wow and honorbuddy. I found this nice Wow addon syncing method while browsing the internet. I configured it to sync my Wow settings, sharedvariables folder and my HB settings between these 3 wow installs. If i change the settings in any of my Wow installs, those other two will use those same configs next time i launch them. This could work for you aswell. With this method you'd share the same HB folder with your botting accounts. Configure one HB and the rest should use the same configs as the first one. Im not sure how'd you tweak it to use different Honorbuddy auth keys becouse all those accounts now would use the same key. But maybe it could be done. Have a look at the link:
      HowTo Sync Addons multiple computers FREE - Forums - World of Warcraft

    3. Sniikki

      Sniikki New Member

      Aug 23, 2013
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      After the reply it got me thinking more about the settings sharing. I don't think this method described above would work because i think HB saves settings for each character. If you are logged for example with your DK and configure honorbuddy, those same settings would only apply for the same DK in every other HB installation. Not for your mage or a priest.
    4. Dranais

      Dranais New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Honorbuddy does save the settings under the name and server of the character so no addon will work, it does need to be a honorbuddy plugin but thanks for the reply :)

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