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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by undefined, Jan 9, 2014.

    1. undefined

      undefined Member

      Sep 23, 2012
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      I have few questions.
      Will you be kind enough to answer them at all?

      1. Where can I read cumulative changelog of all HB v2 releases?
      2. Is HB settings documented or wikified?
      3. I want to know more about "Settings & Tools -> Use Framelock" option.
      How is it interacts with Bots/Routines framelock options?
      How this option affects the performance of WoW and how the framelock works basically?

    2. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      theres no one long list of change logs. if you want to read the most recent changelog then you can look at the release thread for whatever bot you want to.

      as for settings, you can read the manual, in there i go ever every bot and give a description of what every little single button does.

      framelocking is a process where we stop from from rendering in order to inject and read more information out of wow in a single frame. for a single Lua inject with framelock off, it will take 1 frame so if your running a large combat routine that has a lot of information, then its going to take hundreds of frames to completely walk though your combat routine logic. where as if you have framelock enabled, you can walk though the entire combat rotuine logic every frame.
      its faster and you should have it on. as far as performance, its a bot, it dost care what the wow window looks like it would be just as happy if NOTHING was being rendered in the wow window.
    3. undefined

      undefined Member

      Sep 23, 2012
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      Thank you for detailed description of mechanics.

      As I understood, turning on this option enables asynchronous memory injection model which provides good-enough single process performance.

      But I'm little bit confused with current situation when I can have three simultaneously turned ON switches on three different logic levels.
      level 1 - core HB options has framelock support switch and TPS tuning bar
      level 2 - botbase Tyrael has framelock support switch and TPS tuning bar :confused:
      level 3 - CR Singular has framelock support switch too​

      How these options affects each other? Is safe to have them turned on in the same time?
      Could this break rotation timings inside CR cycle or affect the speed of the loop execution?
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      when you turn it on in "Settings and Tools" it gets enabled globally.
      plugins, and combat routines used to be able to implement it on a plugin or botbase level, but now its not needed.
      your going to want to leave it on.

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