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  • Memory Sniffing compared to packet sniffing question

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by npittas, Jan 31, 2011.

    1. npittas

      npittas New Member

      Mar 20, 2010
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      So, I've asked around different forums, but never got an answer for this question

      6 Years ago I used to play Lineage II (and I got lost in there for almost 2 years).
      I botted alot, like many did at that time.
      L2's bot was using packet sniffing. You could have an In-game bot (where you needed to have the real L2 client open) and an Off-game bot, where you only had a map and a bar with your abilities, but you could play without the real L2 client (the offgame mode was detectable due to wrong packets through authorizasion).
      The Ingame client though, could read and write the tcp packets and it was undetectable (either because NCSoft never cared or maybe because packet sniffing was safer than memory reading...)
      And my question was, would it be possible to use this technique to read and write the packets, before they reach the wow client and Warden, without messing with any kind of memory reading where Warden seems to reside and scan?
      Would it be safer?
      Whould it be easier?

      thanks in advance guyz
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2011

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