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  • python error?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by fisuska, Aug 4, 2015.

    1. fisuska

      fisuska Member

      Jan 30, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      On startup, EB spews out this error message, and I have tried with/without plugins, but the error still persists, so wondering if oversight was caused or something that I am just not seeing here for the root of error.

      SmartAssembly force load.
      [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
      [OldGrindBot] This class is the new bot. Now setting up bot specific stuff.
      [ItemEvaluator] Instance = Loki.Bot.DefaultItemEvaluator.
      Current bot set to OldGrindBot.
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
      [OldRoutine] Initialize
      [Totemizer] Initialize
      [NullRoutine] Initialize
      Current routine set to Totemizer.
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
      [B]Exception while loading Python runtime. Exception followsIronPython.Runtime.Exceptions.ImportException: No module named Utilities[/B]
         kohteessa IronPython.Runtime.Importer.ImportModuleFrom(CodeContext context, Object from, String name)
         kohteessa IronPython.Runtime.Importer.ImportModule(CodeContext context, Object globals, String modName, Boolean bottom, Int32 level)
         kohteessa IronPython.Modules.Builtin.__import__(CodeContext context, String name, Object globals, Object locals, Object fromlist, Int32 level)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.FuncCallInstruction`7.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run7[T0,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,TRet](T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5, T6 arg6)
         kohteessa IronPython.Runtime.Importer.ImportLightThrow(CodeContext context, String fullName, PythonTuple from, Int32 level)
         kohteessa IronPython.Runtime.Operations.PythonOps.ImportTop(CodeContext context, String fullName, Int32 level)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.FuncCallInstruction`4.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.Interpreter.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Interpreter.LightLambda.Run2[T0,T1,TRet](T0 arg0, T1 arg1)
         kohteessa IronPython.Compiler.PythonScriptCode.RunWorker(CodeContext ctx)
         kohteessa IronPython.Compiler.PythonScriptCode.Run(Scope scope)
         kohteessa IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.InvokeTarget(Scope scope)
         kohteessa IronPython.Compiler.RuntimeScriptCode.Run(Scope scope)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.SourceUnit.Execute(Scope scope, ErrorSink errorSink)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.SourceUnit.Execute(Scope scope)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptSource.Execute(ScriptScope scope)
         kohteessa Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptEngine.Execute(String expression, ScriptScope scope)
         kohteessa (ScriptEngine , String , ScriptScope )
         kohteessa Loki.Common.ScriptManager.****‎‪*‬‏*‎**‬*‎​***‬**‏​‫​**‪*(IEnumerable`1 )
         kohteessa Loki.Common.ScriptManager.Initialize(ILog log, IEnumerable`1 shortcutsDefinitions, IEnumerable`1 customNamespaces)
      [CommonEvents] Initialize
      [AdvancedItemFilter] Initialize
      [RulesManager] File successfully loaded from location ""
      [AutoFlask] Initialize
      [AutoLogin] Initialize
      [AutoPassives] Initialize
      [Chicken] Initialize
      [DevTab] Initialize
      [ExternalCommunication] Initialize
      [GemLeveler] Initialize
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Name = The Mud Flats
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Name = The Ledge
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Name = The Cavern of Wrath
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] Initialize
      [ItemFilterEditor] Initialize
      [LowFpsHelper] Initialize
      [ObjectExplorer] Initialize
      [PythonExample] Initialize
      [Stats] Initialize
      [StuckDetection] Initialize
      [CommonEvents] Enable
      [AutoFlask] Enable
      [GemLeveler] Enable
      [ItemFilterEditor] Enable
      [ItemEvaluator] Instance = ItemFilterEditor.ConfigurableItemEvaluator.
      [ObjectExplorer] Enable
      [PythonExample] Enable
      [Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
      [Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
      [Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
      [Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
      Please read the following guide before using this program:
      [PythonExample] Disable
      [ObjectExplorer] Disable
    2. damador

      damador Member

      Oct 27, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      SupportedClientVersion: S-
      SmartAssembly force load.
      [BotManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
      [OldGrindBot] This class is the new bot. Now setting up bot specific stuff.
      [ItemEvaluator] Instance = Loki.Bot.DefaultItemEvaluator.
      Current bot set to OldGrindBot.
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
      [OldRoutine] Initialize
      [Totemizer] Initialize
      [NullRoutine] Initialize
      Current routine set to Totemizer.
      Reloading AssemblyLoader<Loki.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
      [CommonEvents] Initialize
      [AdvancedItemFilter] Initialize
      [RulesManager] File successfully loaded from location ""
      [AutoFlask] Initialize
      [AutoLogin] Initialize
      [AutoPassives] Initialize
      [Chicken] Initialize
      [DevTab] Initialize
      [ExternalCommunication] Initialize
      [GemLeveler] Initialize
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Name = The Mud Flats
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Name = The Ledge
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Name = The Cavern of Wrath
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone1Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone2Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] GrindZone3Difficulty = Normal
      [GrindZoneChanger] Initialize
      [ItemFilterEditor] Initialize
      [LowFpsHelper] Initialize
      [ObjectExplorer] Initialize
      [PythonExample] Initialize
      [Stats] Initialize
      [StuckDetection] Initialize
      [CommonEvents] Enable
      [AdvancedItemFilter] Enable
      [AutoFlask] Enable
      [AutoLogin] Enable
      [AutoPassives] Enable
      [DevTab] Enable
      [GemLeveler] Enable
      [ItemFilterEditor] Enable
      [ItemEvaluator] Instance = ItemFilterEditor.ConfigurableItemEvaluator.
      [ObjectExplorer] Enable
      [Stats] Enable
      [Dat] Now building the Stat lookup table.
      [Dat] The Stat lookup table has been built.
      [Dat] Now building the Passive Skills lookup table.
      [Dat] The Passive Skills lookup table has been built.
      Please read the following guide before using this program:
      fix ur plugins ?
    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      An update to AdvancedItemFilter should be posted for that. Loki.Utilities is now Loki.Common.
    4. toNyx

      toNyx Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2011
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Done already, just people are not up to date :)

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