Well this sucks. and i "just" used HB to level alts with... [MEDIA] Still love for HB and still going to wear my HB shirt with pride Also, Fuck Gav
Yes im aware, but i have faith and that wasn't the point anyways.
Accidently bought hearthbuddy instead of honorbuddy!!! Sorry i've must been blind is it possible to sort it out !! please? im broke as fuck and...
This isn't were the problem is, before you try to be smart read what he wrote. https://bosslandgmbh.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new You just...
What bots are you using? I don't wanna know about what profile you're using Personally i only use Questingbot Edit: Thought it could be fun to...
Hardware ban`?
Did you ign up for buddy auth with the same email you used to buy your key? Else send a emial to support@thebuddyforum.com and describe your issue...
Tony has stated that everyone will have days added to their keys, :)
Bossland, Keep going strong <3
Maybe prices will go up abit now ^^
Not possible im afraid
All of you who are bitching about not getting lifetime, I've had lifetime in the past now i just go by month by month. Imo lifetime was nice but...
hehe nice read mvp
Separate names with a comma.