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  • wowgoldas
    Last Activity:
    Oct 2, 2014
    Dec 12, 2011
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    wowgoldas was last seen:
    Oct 2, 2014
      1. wowgoldas
        i mainly sell to absolutegamers.com, ask them and they will always tall you what are the best demand severs atm,
        regerding the acount you will always need to hawe newes expansions to get the items on demand, herbs/ores etc.
        i use qestbot to level my acounts then use gatherbudy and profesionbudy to level profesions and sel item on ah
        there plenty of chainese byers but you will sell to them 30-50% cheeper then you sell it to absolutegamers,

        dont ever trade f2f, always use gbank, create your own guild, for trading use the acounnts that you can afort to lose,
      2. chazz93
        Hey man I'm looking for some help/tips for using wow to make cash. I have a main account and a hitting account ATM and I make enough to supply myself without worrying about the cost of items. In looking to make 3 new accounts mainly for boting and selling gold so I was wondering how you do this ie what site do you sell to do you buy all te expansions or just the starter box What bots you use if your information help me a lot I'll compensate you for your time :) add me Skype chazz90210 or PM me
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