• Visit Rebornbuddy
  • How safe is the actual bot ?

    Discussion in 'Pokefarmer Forum' started by friesendeichkind, Jan 24, 2017.

    1. IIIililillll

      IIIililillll Member

      Dec 29, 2016
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      Not everyone used the bot during that period. I didnt and all 3 were still banned.
    2. carlodeg

      carlodeg New Member

      Dec 14, 2016
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      I did 4 acc in that period ther are 3 banned 1 still up
    3. socrates3

      socrates3 Member Legendary

      Oct 25, 2016
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      This is my logic. And it has treated me well with HonorBuddy ban-waves.

      First thing I did after they said they had updated the code was create a mew account :)

      Will make a few more and space them out over time. See which ones don't get banned.
    4. CAcove

      CAcove Moderator Moderator

      Dec 14, 2014
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      What you are asking for is a foolproof and safe way to break rules, that will never exist. While I understand your frustration, your comments, really shows, that you understand very little into the process of PokeFarmer, how releases and updates are handled or any of the things going on with the devs in the background, which is fine, we don't expect everyone to.

      We tend to spend quite a bit of time, taken away from our families, when Niantic drops ninja patches, regardless of the hour, to look over the data, to collect data, and start reverse engineering. We take as many precautions as we can, and extensive testing is done, however, we have limitations. We can test in a close confined area based on how we understand the bot to work safest. However once its passed all of that, we submit it to the public, this means that we have done all the testing we can with safer settings. Once you and the others get your hands on it, there are ALOT of variables.

      What none of you have been willing to listen to in the Discord channel, is how this exact same thing happened last time a country was added. Niantic did a wild ban, and hit alot of legit accounts too, just like this time. PF was as safe as it could be then, and is now. Its requests, are sent correctly and it communicates with Niantic servers accordingly. But no one, can perdict, when Niantic starts blanket banning, especially when there is ZERO pattern to the bans. I have personally reviewed most of the ban data, and still each time we think there is a pattern, something comes along to disprove it. Now, I understand if that is hard to believe, but the truth is, there is no pattern, and PF is yet to be detected (especially since there are hundreds of thousands of bot accounts still going strong), I am sorry for the loss of your accounts.

      That said, iCKR is right, you should NEVER gamble money you don't have, and you should NEVER bot on an account you are not prepared to loose. PF has time and again offered the safest bot on the market but no bot is 100% safe, and there will ALWAYS be a risk. Keep that in mind, before stating that PF "isn't safe" based on botting terms.

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