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  • New Ban News: Go Stats

    Discussion in 'Ban Section-Ban reports' started by TheTruth15, Aug 17, 2016.

    1. TheTruth15

      TheTruth15 New Member

      Aug 7, 2016
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      For those using GO Stats app, you may very well be getting banned for it. I had a feeling it was that and not the bot. I used Go Stats to remotely check on the bot. I received the failed to retrieve data and then went into Go Stats to see if I could get in at all. No success. Then I read new comments on go stats and they are reporting bans. I updated Go Stats and it read a warning to uninstall the app immediately because you will be banned. If my accounts stay banned then I will appeal. I had two accounts banned, but one of them was 95% legit and spent little to no time on Pokefarmer. So without a doubt they must of banned people for using Go Stats. Which is simply an IV checking and stats tool.
    2. BlackRice

      BlackRice New Member

      Aug 13, 2016
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      Using any 3rd-party apps/software to access the Pokemon Go servers are considered cheating and is against the ToS ,so using Go Stats alone is already banable and the appeal is unlikely to stand.
      And 95% legit = still not legit, so it still will not stand.

      As botters, we need to know there is always the risk of ban, regardless how frequently you bot.
    3. TheTruth15

      TheTruth15 New Member

      Aug 7, 2016
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      Right, but they are going to be banning a lot of big youtubers then... I doubt it is irreversible, as they did not ban anyone for pokeadvisor, or pokevision etc.

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