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  • Logic Rules Evolve mess when you use CP and IV entries

    Discussion in 'Pokefarmer Support' started by palakan229, Feb 2, 2017.

    1. palakan229

      palakan229 New Member

      Nov 12, 2016
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      Hi guys,

      I want to share my problem according to not work truely logic rule on pokefarmer. As you know logic rule activites has to be more human to dont get banned. So there is one complexity on there if you add more than 1 evolve rule like CP condition and also IV condition, it doesnt work right! For example;

      I put ">= 700 CP" and ">=80 IV" conditions to rule which i want to evolve 700+ CP and 80IV pokemons.

      But when pf catched pokemon with 80+ IV but less than 700 CP it's evolving automaticly. Doesn't matter how many conditions you add. it's just looking one of them than it's evolved.

      any solution for that?
    2. CAcove

      CAcove Moderator Moderator

      Dec 14, 2014
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      Select a specific stat that is most important to you, sounds like similar issues that need revamping from the old CP AND IV settings for catching. Please submit some logs when this happens so that I can bring this up with the devs.

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