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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by stevebythesea, Apr 15, 2013.

    1. stevebythesea

      stevebythesea New Member

      Jul 26, 2011
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      Firstly I want to thank thebrodieman (your thread is currently locked) for all the amazing work, however I am coming across a few issue which I hope can be remedied.

      First issue is on the quest "Free Spirits" my toon will go get the buff and then fly to the spirits and dismount and then try click the spirits. You do not need to dismount as the click actually works while mounted.
      The second more serious issue is that the toon will get attacked and loose the buff and aggro more mods, but will not start the combat routine.
      I have tried a fresh install with only singular and no additional plugins and then I tried another config and combat routine.
      I tried the quest with a different toon (different config/plugins) and the same result.

      I have attached the latest log file.
      View attachment 4488 2013-04-15 19.34.txt

      With "Vicejaw" quest the bot is correctly moving the body but standing on the correct side or not back pedaling, so you get chomped :p

      With "The Kunzen Legend-Chief" the chiefs cast spell Firewall, which is a meteor shower AOE which narrows on your current location; doing more damage as it narrows.
      This maybe something routine related, but simply moving behind the target or away from your current location should stop the toasty death that follows.

      The quest "just a Flesh Wound" my move and target the the injured hatching and then open the First Aid window.
      It will not craft any bandages(if I am short) or use any of the bandages I have in my inventory (if I have enough bandages)
      I have 600 skill with Heavy Windwool Bandages in inventory and the mats to make more than the 8 required for this quest.

      I have attached the latest log file.
      View attachment 4488 2013-04-15 19.34.txt
      Last edited: Apr 15, 2013

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