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  • Important - You cant bot RIGHT NOW (Banchance is 50-75%)

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by aliveftw, Apr 26, 2013.

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    1. aliveftw

      aliveftw Guest

      To Everyone who says it depends on "how you bot; how much you bot; what you are using; activity; guild bank" blabla etc etc...

      • The ban chance increased
      • from 5% to 50% - 75%
      • So please all of you idi*** shut up and face it.
      • Some people were making good money with botting and cant now anymore cause it is impossible to bot right now.
      • All of the people who say "Bot smart whatever" are you botting right now?! Are you really risking your accounts and use GB2? If not then shut the fk up, i bet your not.
      People were able to 18-24/7 with little amount of bans. And now you get a ban for 4h botting already. (Even CATA bots get banned.)

      And whoever still buys SOR?s... I guess you guys like burning money.....

      Everyone is guessing and trying to give stupid hints and trying to teach others how to bot.
      Dont try to teach, cause the people who got 15+ Accounts banned know how to bot.

      They know there is something going on.

      We the Honorbuddy Community want to hear a: "Don`t bot right now from HB, Blizzard is banning almost all bots right now, we are working on a solution for our community."
      (If there even is gonna be a solution, which i hope)

      Flame me all you want, this is what alot of people think especially those who just read and never post what bullshit some ppl write here...

      Special P.S.: I can only think of this guy called Giwin... commenting every ban like he knows better.
      Guess what? You dont.
    2. Fantas

      Fantas New Member

      Mar 29, 2012
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      ^ this!
    3. Tranquil

      Tranquil Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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      There won't be a post unless everybody who uses HB is banned. That's considered a banwave in this community. High risk is not a wave. Which is true.

      But it is very, very high risk right now. And I suggest against botting right now. Mostly gathering... but leveling, and pvp as well right now. High risk. There's a good chance you will be banned.
    4. skzisghost

      skzisghost New Member

      Oct 19, 2012
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      mee too wouldnt suggest GB2 now, blizzard found a way to track them. Im pretty sure HB team doesn't know how to overcome this issue and didn't know what method blizzard uses to track GB2 aswell =p
    5. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      GB2 is being targeted I think, got banned this month when I've been botting for over 2years (since join date ;)).

      Only thing you can do is reduce NPH on purpose to around 100 max and bot for a max of 5 hours and no BGBuddy ^^

      I think they are also focusing on VOTFW and Jade Forest Zones judging by the ban reports.
      Last edited: Apr 26, 2013
    6. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      Don't worry, I am not going to flame you, but I am going to disagree with part of your comments. You insinuate that it does not depend on "HOW YOU BOT." But, I think it does. I am still botting, and botted several times today.

      I AGREE that it is more dangerous to bot right now than ever before. However, I do not think that has anything to do with the warden supposedly detecting the buddy program. I think it has more to do with triggers that have been placed in the regular buddy paths within the game. If you watch your bot, like I do, you have surely noticed a lot more pathing obstacles than there were this time last year. I do not believe the new branches on certain trees, or the new objects in the air that obstruct Kick's pathing in a few places are simply random. I would not be surprised if they triggered an automatic flag for a GM to check out your toon. I've seen such obstacles everywhere from starting zones to Pandaria. For example, Kick's pathing takes you under a stairway in the Night Elf starting zone, but the stairwell has been lowered so that toons get stuck going under it now. Kick's pathing takes you around a lamp post in another zone, but the space between the lamp post and the building gets blocked by certain holiday decorations. Kick's pathing outside Orgrimmar takes you between some pointed logs that have been recently moved to obstruct his pathing. I don't think any of these obstacles were randomly placed there by Blizzard. I believe they are putting obstacles in the path that will trigger a notice to a GM. The GM will show up later to watch you for a while. If you run over enough triggers or if you do something bottish when the GM comes to check you out, then you will probably have to answer for it.
    7. cacilhas

      cacilhas Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      They are targetting everything lol .. yeah gb2 seems to have the highest number of bans, but thats probably because thats what most users use. Dont have the freaking clue on what they have on HB .. but they for sure have something. Have been through most of the banwaves, starting with wowsharp back when they activated warden, and the only times that an account lasted so little was when they were detected. Hell, even when isxwow got detected the accounts would last longer than this... Be it server side scripts or actual software detection, something is up, they rendered the bot useless in a week or so, guess thats the price to pay when a bot gets as big as HB...
    8. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I am guessing that more people are getting banned from starting human characters, night elf characters, orcs, and trolls than any others because the starting areas for these races have the most obvious obstructions to the pathing of Honorbuddy. I do NOT believe the buddy program has been detected by Warden, but I do believe that Blizzard is setting traps and tripwires to flag accounts for further inspection. If your toon runs over enough tripwires, he is probably flagged for a suspension. There are definitely more obstacles to Kick's pathing than ever before, and I do not believe they are simply random objects placed in the landscape by Blizzard.
    9. vulcanxx

      vulcanxx New Member

      Nov 4, 2012
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      @ the OP, if you made a product that was considered unreliable would you publicly say that? Especially when your being paid for said product on the market? There is your answer, common sense...
    10. lanwee

      lanwee New Member

      Dec 11, 2012
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      this is true! just came back to wow and decided to gear my hunter before reading the forums. wish i did cus i just got a 72 hours ban from just botting for like 1 hour!
    11. Vanhorne86

      Vanhorne86 New Member

      Aug 6, 2012
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      I have thought for some time now that the setup isnt right.

      Customers certainly deserve more information than has been given, I have stopped botting roughly 2 months ago because it simply isnt worth it with this level of bans/dectection/server side detection etc and I am a gold seller.
    12. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      I trust that if the Honorbuddy Devs had any USEFUL information they would share it. Since the profiles seem to be the culprits getting people banned, and since the profiles are mostly made by the community, it would seem that the Honorbuddy devs could possibly be apologizing prematurely if they apologized for anything at this stage. If it could be proven that they were at fault, I believe it would also provide enough information to fix the problem... and I'm convinced that they would get right on it.
    13. bjsaust

      bjsaust New Member

      Nov 30, 2010
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      As the OP said himself. People were running GB2 18-24/7, and yet somehow its amazing that blizzard can identify botters...

      I use GB2 every day, for 2-3 hrs. Maybe the experts who are getting banned now DID know how to bot safely, and maybe what they were doing just doesn't work anymore, but rather than adjust, or accept that those days are gone, somehow its HB's fault.
    14. jhhenson445

      jhhenson445 Member

      Mar 12, 2013
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      Well said friend.
    15. Stompsvillelol

      Stompsvillelol New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      I just got banned on two of my accounts after botting for ONLY 2 hours. After not botting for months.
    16. crush1717

      crush1717 New Member

      Feb 18, 2013
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      it doesnt matter what you do, im losing accounts left right and center..HB is done IMO..i will not recommend anyone, and anyone who asks i will tell them IMO is not worth a penny..i have lost more than this is worth or will ever be..farewell HB
    17. Danielsnag

      Danielsnag New Member

      Apr 27, 2013
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      Bought honorbuddy yesterday, going to be really pissed if it dies now after it being around for years hahaha.
    18. crush1717

      crush1717 New Member

      Feb 18, 2013
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      lol say bye to your accounts..had 2 accounts banned today for 1hr of gathering on custom profiles and 5 rounds of bg's on the 3rd...3 accounts gone..
    19. Makelio

      Makelio New Member

      Jan 17, 2011
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      i was testing other bot to an old acc that i had (lvl85) closed for over 10 months.
      i manualy lvled to 90!
      i manualy lvled herbalism to 600
      i let it run for 5h // 2h brake // 4h // 2h brake // 5h // 6h brake(sleep time)
      done this for 3 days. 4th day acc banned! :D

      all of the acc's that farm raw mats are getting busted nomatter what bot you use!
      every chara when he logs he create a logfile to blizz server with all the activity
      Blizz have start monitor this logfiles aparently for many thinks they dont go only with game reports!!!

      well played Blizz...
      Last edited: Apr 27, 2013
    20. Heffe

      Heffe New Member

      Apr 11, 2013
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      I just botted for 48 hours straight and no ban. Pure grind bot too with some bgbuddy. In 3 weeks time, I got 3 chars to 90 all pretty much from grinding with a little exp from questing profiles.. You guys don't know a thing about how Blizzard works, or how their ban system works; and neither do I but it's not smart to say that it's HB's fault and that you should stop botting now, because 5 people got banned....

      And for the people saying I lost more than hb will be worth etc... and for the retards saying they won't refer anyone..... No one cares.. It's like going to a craft store, trying to use a coupon and getting mad that they won't let you use the coupon, so you tell the cashier you're never coming back.... No one gives a fuck lol..
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