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  • 5x Bots RAF Dungeonbuddy issues

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by syn182, Feb 18, 2015.

    1. syn182

      syn182 New Member

      Dec 1, 2012
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      I'm wondering if anyone has some sort of work around for this.

      I've currently got 5 RAF paladins (1 tank, 1 heals, 3 dps). They've been running dungeons since level 15 and are now 76-77, taken about 2 days so far (not bad). I'm not hitting a bit of a wall. I want all 5 to hit 85, but the big problem is the gear. With RAF they're outleveling their gear -WAY- too fast. They all still have mostly level 60 gear - which I equip them all with, cost me about 5k. The gear is starting to be an issue again though - they're just dying WAY too much.

      I already understand I probably should have mixed up the classes a little, but it's a couple of days too late for that now. I fully expect these accounts to get banned or run out of time while I'm botting them - it's going to be a repeat process. Buy 5 new > bot to 85 > gold farm > sell. So i'll want to have a solid leveling method for next time.

      My question is this... is there any way to counter the lack of gear? Questing is a pain (i've done that before) - they are always at different speeds and end up on different quests and out of range of each other. Dungeons don't seem to work too well. Could grinding be the answer?

      My thought pattern was all over the place while writing this... sorry if it reads that way.

    2. wesleysniper

      wesleysniper New Member

      Jan 28, 2015
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      its a little bit learn in progres thing .. what i do is ( one my friend gave me this advice ) when they are level 15 get them in a guild together get their guild tabards make them friendly with their guilds and when it happens buy the head and back heirloom items ..it costs around 2.5 or 2.75k with the bags. and ofc as you said try to mix and match your bots from the classes which dont roll on the same items - plate - cloth - leather - mail all different etc. ..

      im not saying they dont ever get wipes and all but its much faster that way .. also dont forget to manually switch their preferred dungeon queus to heroics when their level is ok for that .. i myself lost lots of time on that .. but when you level your next set of 5m raf team its gonna be much faster.
    3. orzly

      orzly New Member

      Dec 10, 2014
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      You should take a few dungeons they can easily clear and just farm it for a while. This would give the bots some time to equip themselves before going on to the higher level dungeons.
      Are you using group-loot or personal-loot? I used personal loot a while ago on 5 druids and they managed quite well with their gear. (Don't know what it does to gph though)
    4. jodum

      jodum New Member

      Oct 17, 2010
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      Thats why you mix classes dude. Problem solved, lesson learned.
    5. wtfmofo

      wtfmofo New Member

      Jun 27, 2014
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      Your problem is your paladin healer. They just suck leveling. If you ran a priest as your healer you would have been fine. Priests > everything leveling. Gear doesnt even matter with a pally tank and priest heals.
      Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
    6. jamesbudi

      jamesbudi New Member

      May 17, 2013
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      I've leveled 4 sets of level 85s , my suggestions other than having different classes is to run two healers. If u r using singular, edit the "group healing" tag, for example if u r using paladin, set 1 to spam quick heal , another using normal healing routine.

      Personally i think druid and priests are better healers, paladin are not rly good in 5man group. But considering the ability to bot, druids are better. 2 dps is more than enough to clear dungeons

      normally my /played to level to 85 is around 30 hrs or less using this setup.

      Sry for bad english and hope it helps !
    7. chocho

      chocho New Member

      Dec 6, 2013
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      15-90 30 hours max , 0-15 2-6 hours ( high population realms ) :)

      did anyone1 know how to set shaman use BL ? tnx :)

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