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    Discussion in 'Hearthbuddy Forum' started by Turnip, Mar 22, 2015.

    1. Turnip

      Turnip New Member

      Feb 16, 2015
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      I've been playing the game a lot lately and regrettably somewhat spent $95 on 60 classic decks and BMC adventure also have Naxxramas almost finished. Is it easy to tell you're using a bot with this game? How long do you usually bot for and what has it earned you? I just cannot dump anymore money into RNG cards. With the money I spent on this I feel like I should have access to all the legendaries or at least every common, rare, and epic card for every class. I won't be spending anymore money on it for awhile that's for sure. Does it net you a lot of golds and wins? Note: It dawned on me you could just bot play mode... lol no wonder that guy on my friend's list is always on in play mode
      Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    2. scrampc

      scrampc New Member

      Apr 24, 2014
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      I got banned after almost 1 year of use, according to devs here, bot isn't detectable and bans happened because other users reported us, so my advice is just don't risk anything you can't lose
    3. Turnip

      Turnip New Member

      Feb 16, 2015
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      That's the common motto with botting. Out of that year, how often did you bot? I know there's no in game report and besides a bit of gold after dailies (not much) and golden portraits I can't find a reason to really bot this game unless I was using an account I invested no money into as you have no cards and it really sucks. All of the buddy bots are high quality and not detectable. It's what the user does with them that always ends up being the case.

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