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  • [BUG REPORT]RBCN r90 cannot start crafting

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Support' started by xsgs111, Apr 2, 2015.

    1. xsgs111

      xsgs111 New Member

      Feb 1, 2015
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      In the newest RB for Chinese server(r90), for the OrderBot mode, if I try to make some craft action, the bot will stuck after it selects the receipt and the material as the screen shot shows. However, if I manually push the "start crafting" button in the game, it could continue crafting for 1 item. It seems that it cannot start crafting by Orderbot itself. There's no plugin, I tested on the newest RBCN directly downloaded from the forum.

      Log: View attachment 7876 2015-04-02 14.21.txt ,basically it will stuck at the following line and I have to stop the bot after that:

      [18:22:41.703 N] [Synthesize] Crafting 枫木木材 (5361) via 1008
      Profile I used: View attachment test.xml , a really simple one for debug purpose.

      Screenshot: 20150402142307.jpg

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