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  • Help with Farm-Account

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Jtroy, Jul 11, 2015.

    1. Jtroy

      Jtroy New Member

      Jun 29, 2013
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      Hey guys! I just created a farm account. I've planned to farm gold on this account and send it to my main account on which I don't want to bot. Now I have some Questions and hope for some tips from people with more knowledge

      My first Question is: Which class is good to farm gold with? I don't want to farm 24/7 because I don't want to loose the Account within 2 weeks. I'd like to bot 5-8 hours a day and get a fair amount of gold. It does not have to be freaking tones of gold.

      My second Question is: What would you farm with one Character? I obvious can't do dungeons or PVP if I want to keep my Account awhile and I also can't just farm 5 hours skins or something like that. As I said I don't really need 50k a day I would even like 5-10k.

      I'm also glad about every tip you can give me. I'm sorry if I wrote something noobish and I hope to get helpful answers.
    2. cg1203im2

      cg1203im2 Community Developer

      Aug 7, 2012
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      One Character for private gold farming...
      I would suggest a hunter. skinning as one profession.
      they do decent dmg, don't have much downtime, cos pet gets most of the dmg.
      Farm mats that sell in AH. fur wont make you 10k/day, but for private use it should be enough.
      download a bunch of profiles, and let them run for short times only.

      but be careful with the gold transfer. even your main isn't botting, there is a chance to get a ban for abuse of economy if you do it to hard.
    3. DocBrown

      DocBrown Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      ur main would get hit for gold transfering so build a guild, have them join the guild (maybe a few other randoms) then just have the bot deposit gold into it and ur main withdraw whatever it needs

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