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    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Profiles' started by RequiemOfADream, Aug 6, 2015.

    1. RequiemOfADream

      RequiemOfADream Member

      Aug 3, 2015
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      I've skimmed all over the forums, and maybe I stared right at it before passing like an idiot, but is there a profile for item crafting? I mean, I have macros for making certain items HQ and stuff like that, but is there a way to make the bot select that item, command synth, and then use the macro/the commands? Cause then I can just let it craft away all the crafting mats I farmed into HQ so I can sell em. As of right now, I'm still needing to click the item, then synth, then the macro every fourteen seconds or so. Better than clicking all the abilities, but still rather....grating
    2. Sycho

      Sycho New Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      There are many profiles out there that you can use as templates but below is the basic formula for crafting and also a link to my profiles that I am currently working on.

      <Synthesize RecipeId="2526" MinimumCp="307" HQMats="-1,-1"/>
                <While Condition="CraftingManager.IsCrafting">
                  <CraftAction Name="Comfort Zone" ActionId="286" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Inner Quiet" ActionId="257" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Steady Hand II" ActionId="281" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Manipulation" ActionId="278" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Hasty Touch" ActionId="100108" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Hasty Touch" ActionId="100108" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Hasty Touch" ActionId="100108" />
                  <RunCode Name="BestTouch"/>
                  <CraftAction Name="Manipulation" ActionId="278" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Steady Hand II" ActionId="281" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Hasty Touch" ActionId="100108" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Hasty Touch" ActionId="100108" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Great Strides" ActionId="263" />
                  <RunCode Name="BestByregots"/>
                  <CraftAction Name="Careful Synthesis II" ActionId="100069" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Careful Synthesis II" ActionId="100069" />
                  <CraftAction Name="Careful Synthesis II" ActionId="100069" />
      Here are the ones I am working on, you can use them to modify and create your own.


      EDIT: Sorry guess I should give you a bit more detail;
      All the ID's can be found at xivdb.com, just do a search there for items, recipes or skills.
    3. RequiemOfADream

      RequiemOfADream Member

      Aug 3, 2015
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      How does one make profiles? I started using rebornbuddy legit like two days ago, never botted before in my life, so I know literally nothing except how to tell the bot which orderbot profile to use after I download them XD
    4. Sycho

      Sycho New Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      To be honest while your learning it is a lot of trial and error. I personally looked at what others had created and changed it little by little to have it do what I wanted until I learned how the tags worked.

      First thing is you will want to get Visual Studio, the express edition, I believe, is free.

      Second is looking at what others have made and seeing how they work, watch the log as it scrolls across in RB. It will show you what is going on and a lot of times you can see the line that is being executed.

      Lastly, and MOST importantly, is post any questions you have on the forum. Most of the people here are more than happy to help any way they can. Feel free to send me a message anytime with questions.

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