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  • 72 hour bans?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Deathsmind, Aug 13, 2015.

    1. Deathsmind

      Deathsmind Member

      Jun 14, 2013
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      So one of my accounts got a 72 hour ban. What does this mean, besides cant log in for 72 hours? I see a few people in the ban section say they got them just wondering what came out of them. I have been botting like crazy so im not surprised. Im not crying that it happened. Right now im still botting on my other accounts. I know some of the people complained about the 6 month ban going to a permenant, wondering if that is happening to the 72 hour ones as well.

      I have had a few people complain about me botting, one guy said he recorded me and sent it to blizz, when I whispered him back he was surprised I actually whispered him back, was expecting me not to be on, honestly it sounded like another botter who was upset I was in his area. I get whisperes like this all the time who I watch be in the same area for hours just like me and afterwards complain that I have been there the same time he was there...Makes no sense.

      But back to the matter at hand. Anyone have any info on the 72 hour bans and why they are doing these and why I didnt just get straight up banned?
    2. DaSoul

      DaSoul Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It just means you can't access the game for straight 72hrs and that you are flagged from now on. Flagged means, your account information (you can't see it) has some kind of little note saying something like "*****er/botter" or something. So in case they will catch you again, chances of getting ban hammered are pretty high.

      Besides software detection (mostly hacks), which result in an automated ban, you get suspended or banned manually. That means, there was a reason why someone started investigating your account.


      - abnormal selling of stuff on the auction house
      - abnormal gold trades
      - high rate of player reports
      - movement/behavior pattern system alert. (this is theoretical, as we don't know for sure, but i am pretty sure they do analyze movement patterns -> never use public profiles)

      This is a big and important step why some people might get suspended while others get banned -> human interaction and human assessment. As they are humans, they think different, they act different. Same goes for getting an account unbanned. Also because you know you are guilty, doesn't mean they know for sure you are.

      Last but not least: economics. Chances of someone returning after 72hr suspension is higher, than someone getting banned.

      This is theoretical again, as it is my own feeling/opinion:

      I think they sometimes give 72hr suspensions even they exactly know, you botted the shit out of the account. They don't ban you right away, cause at the end, you give them money and that's what it's all about doing business. They collect over weeks and months and from time to time they do ban waves. This has 2 major effects:

      1. community is satisfied that the evil botters are banned. High numbers are nice to read and impress people, so they stfu.
      2. blizz always does discounts right after the ban wave, chances of pissed banned people to return are way higher.
    3. tavmaister

      tavmaister New Member

      Jan 5, 2015
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      BECAUSE -2mil players in wod

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