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  • Issue with my first profile.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by spamalot, Jan 22, 2011.

    1. spamalot

      spamalot New Member

      Dec 2, 2010
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      I tried to make a simple grind in the starting DK area, specifically in the mines. Just to grind for cash.
      I watched the video on creating a grinding profile and whipped it together.
      However when I runit I get the infamous
      After looking around the forums, and getting an answer that said to Change
      I did, and I compared it to one of Kicks profiles, and I see nothing that should hang this up, but it does.
      I removed the MinLevel line from the template, because his doesn't have it. Still nothing.
      Any thoughts?
      Here is the attachment:

      Attached Files:

    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      I'd do two things...
      • Explicitly state a &lt;MinLevel&gt; value

      • Comment out the &lt;ContinentID&gt;..&lt;/ContinentID&gt; element for now
        The DK starting area is a little weird as I recall. Its not really part of Eastern Kingdoms, but is kind of its own 'instanced' area that all new DKs start in. Other players are unable to get into the area, and as such the WoWclient may not consider it actually part of Eastern Kingdoms.

      Also, check that you're using the Grind bot--its easy to forget to switch the bots sometime. On the whole, the profile looks good, and I'm not seeing anything else that could be wrong at the moment.


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