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  • Differences Between HB3 and HB2

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Tweetie, Mar 28, 2017.

    1. Tweetie

      Tweetie New Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Good Evening,

      Just came back and saw my Lifetime keys are gone for three games. Understandable and I at least got my monies worth from them. Just curious about what's shiny and new in HB3? Or is it literally just the same honorbuddy as 2, but works with Legion? If so than am I to assume you will be releasing a new honorbuddy every xpac and naming it Honorbuddy 4 and repeating the process? If so fine, but it's nice to know things like this. The thread to discuss the keys is gone so I can't even go read through it :/

      Any help or advise about what HB3 has going for it different than 2 would be greatly appreciated.
    2. ZephyrMMO

      ZephyrMMO Active Member

      Mar 15, 2017
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      They redid how the mesh system works and did something that is suppose to stop bot trains. I believe you connect to a server and get different navigation paths or something like the sorts. No clue if it actually made a different since bot trains still happen.
    3. gavzta

      gavzta Active Member

      Aug 14, 2016
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      Hey buddy they are tons of stuff different with hb 3 for example it jumps more human like. Have a great day
    4. Azhemoth

      Azhemoth Active Member

      May 8, 2013
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      The main reason for HB2 not working for Legion is because HB2 is 'crackable.'
      HB3 uses a server-side navigational system which is nearly impossible to crack.

      So by them not updating HB2 to Legion makes Honorbuddy not crackable for Legion as HB3 is the only viable solution for Legion botting.
      It is very unlikely that there will be a HB4 for the next expansion unless HB3 somehow gets cracked.

      The pros of HB3 over HB2 on a user-end experience are:
      1) The navigation is much faster and more responsive.
      Since the navigation is server-side, your bot no longer has to download Mesh files and calculate paths with them itself.
      This also reduces the RAM, CPU and Memory (HDD/SSD) usage of the bot.

      2) Since the navigation is now server-side, the server can see where every bot is at any given time.
      Given this, it can randomize the paths that it sends the bots to keep bot trains from happening.
      However - this won't happen under a circumstance where the profile you're using has many hotspots, which is why it's good to use a very minimal amount of hotspots in your profiles.

      3) Some API changes. Which is only interesting if you're viewing the bot from a developer standpoint.

      4) Fancy new UI :p

      5) And coming soon, a remastered 1-100 questing pack that's designed to fully utilize HB3's new API features.​

      The cons of HB3 are:
      1) Since the navigation is server-side, requests to the navigation server can be throttled if too many requests are made in a short amount of time.
      This can hurt some plugins which aren't coded properly to account for the throttling.​
    5. Craptuna0813

      Craptuna0813 Member

      Sep 6, 2015
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      Ill hold my tongue till it happens but i still think we will be subject to a bann wave every 3 months. unless blizz wants to exstend our farming. which i highly doubt. To many stupid people believe HB will live on and survive i dont see it reason being most cases have gone against bossland and hb cannot be run in most countries. And HB doesnt have the revinue to continue to take hits against blizzard.
    6. gavzta

      gavzta Active Member

      Aug 14, 2016
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      Good job
    7. Tweetie

      Tweetie New Member

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Thanks for the informative post. I'm definitely going to continue lurking until blizzard chills out a bit on the banwaves. I got banned after 1 hour of level botting last time xD. Only reason I asked if there was a difference is because from the user side of things I still had essentially the same UI and it seemed to function exactly the same as before. Come a long way since the original honorbuddy (I started botting in Wrath)

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