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  • Wiz Hydra build for GR85

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by pesteavino, May 6, 2017.

    1. pesteavino

      pesteavino New Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      Anyone can give me a good routine for GR 80-85 Hydra build, im using Nightbreeze one but i die a lot, please someone that can help me will get a donation
    2. blu

      blu Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Just make sure you setup your items and skills as listed in the nightbreeze link. It's the right routine. The problem is either your setup or your gear/items. Don't expect to do 85 without high end augmented gear and 2000 paragon. First check his link for the settings and then keep tweaking the GR level until it's suitable for where your gear/items are at.
    3. Amaso

      Amaso Member

      May 15, 2014
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      The Nightbreeze one sucks for me. My Wiz just runs around a lot and dies. This is with 1600p and near perfect gear on only t72. The biggest problem I've found with ALL of the Wizard routines this season is if you die once, your character just acts like a retard after resurrecting.

      The one I've essentially been forced to use this season is the Vyr/Rasha Paralysis (Speedfarm) routine, and I use In-geom and Nemesis bracers for this at 72 and it clears in around 3 minutes. This one works perfectly EXCEPT at the beginning where it doesnt cast Force Armor or Magic Weapon at the beginning of the rift, so it pops into Archon immediately and you just have to pray it doesn't die. It casts those two spells once coming out of archon the first time... but Wizards rely heavily on momentum and if he dies once then it can cause a chain of deaths.

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