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  • [noob question] character position

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Tun, Jul 23, 2017.

    1. Tun

      Tun Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Hey, so I'm fairly new to PoE and EB. Now, I'm running my marauder questing and for some reason it always tries to attack its targets from behind. I've tried to find this out in setting but no luck. Any ideas? I bet it's something stupid I'm just missing here. :p
    2. plzrepeat

      plzrepeat Member

      May 14, 2013
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      I think it depends which skill you're using. If u assign the right skill to exilebuddy, it shouldn't be a problem.
    3. pushedx

      pushedx Moderator Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Actions in performed in the Path of Exile client are input emulated by EB. This means the mouse is moved and the buttons are pressed. For melee skills, when you don't use attack in place, the behavior you are describing comes from the inaccurate targeting of monsters due to the way they have different hitboxes. Quite literally, the attacks are resulting in movement actions behind the target (which can be exaggerated if the target is moving towards you).

      Using AoE based skills and attack in place is the most helpful, but you do have to be wary of desync still, and the OldRoutine implementation doesn't handle it at all. In 3.0, a lot of the skill targeting issues in the client that EB triggers are being addressed (as in the game client itself has fixes), so coupled with a better CR in the future, there should be less of this for the part, but the core issue of EB not knowing how the client will target a monster cannot be solved.

      Basically, single-target non-aoe melee skills are just not that good in Path of Exile, so that's why EB struggles with them. The game heavily favors AoE based attacks, so I would suggest going for those types of builds, even though OldRoutine is to blame for some of the problems.

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