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  • Breaches combat behavior

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by demonD, Aug 17, 2017.

    1. demonD

      demonD Member

      Jun 6, 2015
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      Same old issue, when fighting breaches how do I make the bot keep casting/fighting till timer runs out? all it does is kill some mobs then busy walking around and picking up stuff, that's not only inefficient but also easy to get killed! As a summoner, I need my SRS up as many as possible and as long as I can. there need to be 100% focus priority on breaches when doing one. please help.

      Also would like to report a bug: bot kept deposit all currencies into "other" tabs after couple map runs, at first it was going to the right tab tho, not sure what is going on.
    2. papagal

      papagal Member

      Dec 11, 2014
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      Maybe increase your combat range? If there are no mobs within the combat range set in the combat routine settings, it'll go on and start looting.

      The bot deposits currencies into other tabs when currency tab is full. So if your new harbinger currencies have filled out the all purpose slots, that's causing the bot to flag your currency tab as full. When they add the new currencies to the "individual currency" settings, you'll be able to mitigate the issue by dumping those to "other" by default. That or wait for ggg to fix the currency stash tab.
    3. diabloiseasy

      diabloiseasy Member

      Aug 23, 2012
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      DemonD is on point.
      Should have been fixed along time ago
    4. demonD

      demonD Member

      Jun 6, 2015
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      Not only busy picking up craps, it even TP to town in the middle of breaches... Breaches is all about how long will we last and how many mobs/boss we can kill within time limit, this behavior is very disappointing, we lost around 5-10 chaos per breaches!

      Since Breaches is a permanent thing now, can we get it fixed please?
    5. bobodlm

      bobodlm Member

      Aug 18, 2017
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      Yes, OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO RIGHT!~!!11!!11111!! this sounds alot more then base functionality in the bot. I hope they don't fix any of the other issues and only fix this. /sarcasm
      It sux, you wanna fix it? Go write a public plugin for it <3 The devs are working hard on fixing alot of more important issues like skill handling & combat routine, movement routine, build in item filter, etc. (you can read whole list)
      Seeing as how this can be solved with bigger combat range (so bot engages combat before looting & going to town) which would decrease your overall efficiency, so yea. And 5c per breach, that's nonsense, my bot kills most of the stuff in a breach and rarely messes it up.
    6. demonD

      demonD Member

      Jun 6, 2015
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      dude shut up plz, Its because feed backs like mine the bot will become better and better therefor their products will have more satisfying customers hence more incomes for them. dont reply to things that you dont know nothing about, if you increase the range just for breaches the bot will get stuck constantly "waiting" on mobs to come or keep shooting in air. it drastically slows down mapping, finishing 1 map vs 10 maps, not exaggerating. As for fixing other "more important" issues, there aint no "more important" issues, all of them are same from a coders' POV because while you are in it you are in it to fix stuff, 10 lines of codes or 50 lines of codes are all the same since you are in it! what they should do is gather up as many feed-backs as possible and solve them in 1 session instead of give shits "priority" and doing them 1 by 1. that's why they still have issues dating back 5 years ago that still not fixed yet, breaches is only few months old issue but I have complained about it first day when released.
    7. bobodlm

      bobodlm Member

      Aug 18, 2017
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      If you have no trust in them fixing things and the issues are so bad, why do you use this bot? There's alternatives out there.

      And if you've been keeping up you know why development of new features was really slow untill into legacy when the dev team grew. And the problem that existed with keeping the but up to date on the client patches.

      And you honestly feel like improving the combat system, movement system, decent build in loot handling is less important? I betcha once the new combat system is in place it's gonna be easier to fix this and strongbox logic which has been an issue for even longer.

      Constructive feedback is nice but I just dislike circle jerking on relative small issues. Anyways cheers!

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