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  • Is WoW Gold Farming Still Profitable?

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by jubor, Mar 3, 2011.

    1. jubor

      jubor New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      Hi Guys,

      It has been 5 months since I left the botting and gold farming scene,and now I m crawling to make a come back.I have been looking at things from afar. I look at the gold selling page of certain websites everyday, checking servers with open buybacks and it has been unpredictable since the release of Cataclysm.The gold prices are now at below feet level. Blizzard not just making things more difficult for gold farmers with their tight crotch algorithm and statistics but also charging a hefty 25 Euro just for 5 Levels gain. It is more expensive than ever just to open a full game account and put more risk at stakes. Now onto my question, is there anyone in here still selling gold for a living (apart from Bossland ofc)? I wish I could hear someone say things are still good for them.
    2. udbdevo

      udbdevo New Member

      Feb 5, 2011
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      Personally i make between 100- 150 usd a week . I just started using hb around 2 weeks ago and have hadnon stop problems with my bots. Once it all gets sorted i hope to be getting 250-300 a week which will feed my gambling habit or cover my house and land repayments.

      This is assuming the gold prices dont plummit even further...

      Simply said in theory it would easily be possible to live off the wages of ur bots... But the initial outlay... Computer setups and fucking around in front of ur computer would drive people crazy...

      Simply said... If it was that easy. Wouldnt everybody do it?
    3. kehan

      kehan Member

      Oct 29, 2010
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      Was wondering how many chars you are botting with? sounds really nice
    4. udbdevo

      udbdevo New Member

      Feb 5, 2011
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      3 characters.... 1 in vash for herb only. 1 in thl herb and mine. 1 in uldum herb and mine... Prob gonna pull one from uldum out as soon as he gets 85 and throw him into tlh as well cos uldum always crashes...

      It rwally dpends on if u can find buyers. Come patch 4.1 i lost 2/3 regular buyers and the one i had left was not giving me the prices i needex....

      So atm i send a shittonne of mats across neutral ah to other faction were mats go for 2x as much... Although cos im on a low pop realm i have been una ble to find a buyer on alliance side...i am ahing all the mats but im prea
      Pared tp take that risk....

      The hardest part is keeping the bots from crashing and the annoyance of xfering goods thru neutral ah...

      Ooo btw i bot like 8-10 hrs a day.... Overnight... And 18-20 on the weekends.., i use the comp while it runs during the day and let it go on its own overnight
    5. ntlntl

      ntlntl New Member

      Dec 21, 2010
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      May I know how do you sell gold, and not to get banned? thanks
    6. udbdevo

      udbdevo New Member

      Feb 5, 2011
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      No particular method... I have 3 banks on my 3 farming acc...one bank handles ore... One herbs one everythung else... Then i get my 4th account which is vAnilla only... Its invited to guild... Withdraws money from each characters bank and is kicked.. Trades gold with the company and is then deleted.

      Thats the method i was using b4 my factions economy wenr bust... Now all 3 of my farming accs send everything that needs to be transfered x faction to 1 character that is on 1 of the farming accs . That chatactet sells on neutral ah were a character that is on 1 of the other 2 farming accounts buys em... Sends em to a. Character on the same acc that sells all
      The goods...

      The vanilla alt joins my farming selller guild.withdraws cash. G kickef. Trades and then deleted

      I could modify my current strategy to make it alot more safe but i really cbf... If im gonna get banned then so be it. It was worth it
    7. Anonuzer01

      Anonuzer01 Active Member

      Sep 9, 2010
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      I make lots of....gold.
    8. Pbnew101

      Pbnew101 New Member

      Apr 12, 2011
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      If you're apart of the gold selling squadron I would consider xferring and researching a couple servers that would fit you better. The xfer fee is a couple days of botting, no biggie. Goodluck! :D

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