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  • [BGBuddy] Feedback for BGBuddy BotBase

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Giwin, Oct 10, 2012.


    Do you think that BGBuddy needs to be updated?

    Poll closed Nov 9, 2012.
    1. Yes, I strongly agree that it needs updating

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    2. Yes, I agree that it needs updating

      0 vote(s)
    3. Maybe / Don't Know

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    4. No, I disagree that it needs updating

      0 vote(s)
    5. No, I strongly disagree that it needs updating

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    1. Crowley

      Crowley Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Always one facetious person.

      No need for a DEV to explain editing profiles either.

      Here search is your friend. Easy to follow...or should be.
    2. Cocaine

      Cocaine Banned

      Aug 21, 2012
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      I've queued and seen a few buddies having the same issue around me. One was in a wall and another kept spamming a Hunter buff while my Paladin was spamming a blessing. Though it's not meant for it, Singular might actually work better with BGBuddy right now.
    3. basaradavid

      basaradavid New Member

      Jul 23, 2012
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      its not even about the waypoints. the bot ignores certain events in a BG to where it should be done and results in a loss. try out eye of the storm. 90% of the time you will be fighting in the middle. you can tell who is a bot when the flag is RIGHT there and there are 7 people from both side just duking it out there. i think honestly it needs to start running the flag. in WSG and EotS. it needs to start detecting where other players are AND if they are en route to recap a congested base. it needs to start defending when there are 3 bases in AB and SotA. easiest way to see who's a bot is to see who is fighting on the road so....change it.
    4. Bot It

      Bot It New Member

      Oct 5, 2012
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      Im very new to honor buddy but I have used others in the past. And I gotta say this is the worst bg bot I have seen for pathing. The worst thing you've implemented is the "find largest group" worst idea... ever. Now not only do u see one bot... you see them all... in one spot. Get rid of this and create pathing networks where it chooses which path to take depending on how many people of your team is in that direction.... or a guarding system where if there's only one person guarding a flag to go there if no one else is going there.
    5. wilbo007

      wilbo007 Member

      Dec 20, 2011
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      It definitely needs updating although I don't strongly agree.
    6. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      we're in the middle of doing that right now, in fact most of you already running the the first round of fixes for Arathi Basin Revamps.
    7. andrei0635

      andrei0635 Member

      May 4, 2012
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    8. Valygor

      Valygor Member

      Nov 6, 2010
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      I keep getting stuck running bgbuddy with singular, especially as ally in eots.. dat hill up to mage tower
    9. lotrodude

      lotrodude Member

      Jul 2, 2012
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      BGBuddy needs to keep going back to the same character that killed it last no matter where that character is on the map because that's how real players do it. No matter how bad they were pawned they keep going back trying to kill that sucker that just killed them. :) Forget sticking together, that is not what real players do. Real players run off randomly and die all alone in the midfield. You may think I'm joking, and it is humorous, but that is what real players were doing long before gliderbot or buddybot ever existed. That's just how most people act in a BG. They are not focused on winning the event, they are more focused on REVENGE! :)

      And you guys all know it's true. The same guys that are complaining here are probably the same guys that try to tell everyone what to do in battlegrounds. They are smart players, and if people listened the team would have a better chance of winning. However, people do not listen in battlegrounds . . . or perhaps they do . . . just the horde listens when I play alliance and the alliance listens to a leader when I play horde. :) I doubt it!
      Last edited: Oct 12, 2012
    10. Pierlala

      Pierlala Member

      Sep 19, 2012
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      I wish they actually made BGbuddy PLAY the BG. Not just midfarming in WSG for example when flagcarriers and team-mates asking for aid. I wish the bot could run up and take the flag and use CC to stop enemy-players. Same goes for Arathi Basin. I've often seen my bot gank players that are around instead of actually trying to take the base while it's all free. Also at stbles 3-4 bots were ganking 1 single player while the base was free. Eventually they mounted up and lef the flag for what is it. It's just bad. The bots are based on honorfarmnig and not actually PLAY the BG and win it.

      And yeah, the pack moving thing, 9 people run the same route in Isle of Conquest run over the bridge towards Docks. Halfway the bridge the whole pack stops for some reason and turns around to run back to the beginning of the bridge to stand in a corner for about 5 seconds, before continueing the route. It's just so obvious. Also the wall-running when a gate is closed. See 5 bots running at a wall when the gate is closed. I really don't know what happened to BGbuddy, but there was a time when you actually couldn't really say if it was a bot or not.

      But yeah I think now it's the problem becuase 90% or the BG population are botters. Easy honor and easy XP when Call to Arms for example. Especially now when 85-90 leveling has been made so rediculously long. People CBA to level and turn on a bot and go to bed.

      But if I bot I do it not late at night, I do it during the day when I can monitor my bot from time to time in a few BG's. I'm not farming the whole day. No one does BG's the whole day. There are certain BG's I really try to avoid, such as Strand of the Ancients, since my bot just famrs honor on the beach and then when enemy players are gone it desides to stand half in the water, somewhere under the ramp and just do nothing at all untill the BG has ended. I'm also carefull with Isle of Conquest because of the wall-running and the obvious massive pack movement.

      I really like BGbuddy and hope it will get fixed soon so if will be "safer" again.
    11. Justacheaptrick

      Justacheaptrick New Member

      Jan 6, 2012
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      Have no idea whats already written up here and no idea what can actually be done, but heres my piece,

      Allow us to set up "Priorities" for each of the BG's. For example here are some example options:

      WSG Priorities
      a) Zerg Mode - Farms middle, basicly does what it does today.
      b) Flag Carrier Mode - Runs for flag, attempts to pickup and cap the flag.
      c) Enemy Flag Carrier Mode - Runs for enemy flag carrier, attempts to kill and return flag.
      d) Tank Protecton Mode - Goes with the highest hp person, defends him no matter what.
      e) Mixed Mode - A little bit of everything.

      AV Priorities

      a) Zerg Mode - Farms middle, basicly does what it does today.
      b) Defensive Mode - Attempts to recap and simply fuckup for the other team.
      c) Tower Mode - Attempts to cap towers, If all towers have been capped, automaticly switches to defensive mode and runs back home to recap.
      d) Graveyard Mode - Attempts to cap all graveyards, If all graveyards has been capped it switch to defensive mode and runs back home to recap.

      You catch my drift? Some simple ways how to customize the bot and not making it do the exact same thing for 95% of the people in the bg, there are so many botters in bgs now, specialy with the new content and all.
    12. Pierlala

      Pierlala Member

      Sep 19, 2012
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      This is a list I made with flaws (based on Alliance BG farming from what I've seen).

      Arathi Basin - All bots atm go straight to stables when the BG starts and all of them try to cap the flag. After the flag is capped all bots are facing away from the flag and standing there for a minute or 2. After 2 minutes have passed, all of the bots mount up at the exact same time and move towards Lumber Mill. None of them stays at stables to protect the base. Once at Lumber Mill they all gank enemy players while in some cases the flag is all free and it can easily be caped due to the distraction of the enemy players being ganked. Bots don't defend and take bases, it was horrible to watch the BG with so many BGbuddy users making the BG fail over and over again by just mindless ganking and forget the purpose/tactic of the BG.

      Warsong Gulch - Another battleground that is merely based on mid/honor farming. I've seen my (and other's) bot just gank it's way around while team mates try to cap the flag and yell for aid. This ofcourse gets ignored cause we're bots! After our team mate is dead, the enery caps the flag. Voila...You get awnsers like: "Why don't you tards L2P etc". It just pisses people off. I wish the WSG bot had a mechanic that if will follow the team flag carrier and help it. Or that the bot can actually runs up to the base and get the flag himself and try to cap it. Using CC and PvP abilities to avoid enemy players.

      Eye of the Storm - This BG is just one big drama. The bots run up to the Mage Tower and just stand there untill it's taken. Once it's taken they all run to the middle to start the honor farming. No other bases are being taken or protected. Also once the bot desides to return to Mage Tower it's already taken by 4-5 enemy players. The bot is not wise enough to know that jumping into a group of 4-5 PvP geared players (solo) is fatal. So within 3 seconds my bot is dead. So after being ressed the bot buffs up and starts the farm fest again untill we finally lose the BG.

      Twin Peaks - Twin Peaks can be compared with WSG. It's basicaly the same tactic based BG. The bots just farms honor in the middle while the enemy players cap their flags one by one. If our team mate manages to get a flag, this gets ignored and eventually he dies. Another lost BG.

      Alterac Valley - The Alliance somehow win this BG 9 out of 10 times. So that's not really something to complain about. But what does bother me is the strange path the bots take to get to the mini-boss. This path is very unusual and if you see 15 people do it, it's just super suspicious. The bots go inside and assist killing the mini boss. And continue their ways. It often happens that when the bots die and end up in the Alliance base again, they will once again run towards the mini-boss and stand in an empty room for 10 seconds before realizing it's dead. Other then that, this BG is quite fine to bot in.

      Strand of the Ancients - This BG should be thumbs down when you queue up for random B'G's as a bot. It's too obvious. The bots farm the beach untill the round ends and if no enemy players around they deside to stand in the water to wait for the BG to end. They should try to controll vehicles and follow the right path, shoot at the gate like normal players do. Or protect the demolishers. If one gate fails to down the bots try to run through the gate which is closed obviously. This makes it too obvious to be real players.

      Isle of conquest - This BG can be considered "safe" ONLY if a few minor things get fixed. The massive pack movement the bots have atm makes it in this BG obvious that we're bots. Stopping at the same time, turning around at the same time, dismounting at the same time etc. The bots don't have to be able to ride Glaives and demolishers. As long as they protect ours. I wish the bots also could cap less obvious bases like, Quarry and Oil Reffinery. Other then that. This BG requires a lot of players so it's quite "safe" if they wouldn't just all follow the same path, like AV.

      Battle for Gilneas - This BG is just like AB quite a drama. All the bots run towards Lighthouse and try to cap the flag. After doing that they face away from the flag and eventually mount up after 2 minutes and all leave the base for what it is and run to Waterworks which is often already taken by enemy players. In the meanwhile Lighthouse gets capped because none of the bots stayed there to protect. I often see in BG chat - report (name, name, name) they are bots. In this BG it's super obvious since it's so small.

      I made this list just merely based on Alliance BG farming and from my own experience. The reason why I created this detailed list is because I wish the bots could be more programmed into actually playing the BG instead of only honor farming. Cause winning = more honor and happy RL players! The bots should pick up the tactic based on each BG-mechanic. I think this way RL players would also care less because the bots are actually doing what they are suppose to do in the BG instead of just farming honor. I mean...who finds it bad to win a BG after all?

      Please do't take this post as anything offensive, I just merely try to put all flaws in a line so it's maybe more easier and clear to fix it.

      PS: I don't have any experience in the new BG's. Maybe I'll update it when I know more.


      Deepwind Gorge: Just overall bad pathing. The bot in most cases, doesn't even leave the starting base. It just sits down and goes AFK and then you end up with deserter. And if it does move...then you'll end up, looking like a headless chicken as it looks like you have no clue what to do. Running in wrong directions, back and forth etc. It's just another reason to thumbs down this BG.

      Apart from that is the bot currently not working properly. The bot runs back and forth, casting random spells and buffs. I'm currently using it on my Monk, which casts random heals and runs to places where no one is around. Mounts up, sets up a Jade Serpent statue and then mounts up again to place a nother one a few yards away. I'd say the bot is not safe to use atm.
    13. Sheon

      Sheon New Member

      Mar 14, 2012
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      You guys do know that it is next to impossible to do some of the things I are asking bg buddy debs to do right? Do to the nature of pvp it's so random what happens in the bg that you could not really program something like that would be very hard of not impossible

      Now if it could just randomize its paths every time it ques up or capping different nodes etc each time it enters a bg would look less bottish would be great

      Ill give the devs lots of time cause trying to make a pvp bot look not like a bot is way to damn hard

      It's not like pve where everything could be pre determined pvp is so random

      I have seen 10 bots vs 10 bots its quite the seen

      Bg buddy is just so popular now and everyone is using it cause they want to hit 90 and no one has quest profiles out yet
    14. Justacheaptrick

      Justacheaptrick New Member

      Jan 6, 2012
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      Yeah but the money that bossland makes is more then any of us is going to make in our entire life, so it should be updated yes.
    15. Kane49_2

      Kane49_2 New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      PvP, especially Battlegrounds is not random at all.
      I cant speak for the three new ones but the old battlegrounds all follow a few very basic paths of logic, the problem with bgbuddy is that everyone is adhering to the same path.

      AB is the best example here, in the beginning you have 4 options of where to go but bgbuddy is just using the one.

      A good way to avoid this would be to randomly choose one of the 3 middle bases to run to at first.
      When AB is joined the bot rolls 3 semi-random numbers that decide how many people should be at a base.
      After a short while you can easily use the euclidean distance of each player to each of the 3 bases to determine who is running where and which 2 bases will be attacked.
      We then determine the player closest to the first base flag and if we are that player move there to cap it, this prevents more than one bot running there ever.
      Based on the rolls we had when AB started we then change course to the base that is the furthest off its ideal state (ideal is random here so not everyone runs to the same place)

      Thats just for the start but you get the drift :)
    16. TreeEskimo

      TreeEskimo Member

      Apr 22, 2013
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      It needs updating ye. I mean lets take SOTA for example - it RUNS around when you spawn @ defending site and down the hill instead of just jumping down.
      What is worse is that 3-4 other botters do the same thing too..
    17. profx

      profx New Member

      Apr 26, 2013
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      it needs updating there is lots of bug
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