I did the recent update and now it just keeps wanting to shut down every 5-10 minutes no matter what I am using it for. any input? I couldnt find anything with logs.
this still is not working. I changed my DNS to google. I also am seeing it crash multiple times no matter what I am using it for. Combat assist, deep dungeon, lisbeth.. etc.
Same thing happening to me as well, but some Stack Overflow. [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: E0434352.CLR [01:17:30] Exception: C00000FD.STACK_OVERFLOW [01:17:30] The process has exited. [01:17:30] Dump count not reached.
Add -g so we can see what exception it is. Are you having this on a clean install without anything added? procdump64 -e 1 -g -f ""
With so many third party plugins installed it's hard to say if this is something cause by the bot's self or not. The stack trace doesn't have the standard look of when there is an authentication failure either, it look like it was corrupted. If it is an authentication issue the best thing I could recommend is to try other dns providers.