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  • Can someone enlighten us on the status of HB?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by ben11h2006, Sep 16, 2017.

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    1. ben11h2006

      ben11h2006 New Member

      Aug 20, 2017
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      Hey guys, I know these kind of topics are usually counter-productive, however, I am sincerely curious as to why there have not been any status updates.

      I'm not looking for an ETA, I just want to see an official post from the development team informing us that they haven't forgotten about us, and that the bot is still being worked on. As a fairly well populated community here, I think that it would be very beneficial to everyone to be reassured that it's still a work in progress. Honestly, I'm becoming slightly paranoid that there will not be an update, and HB will be discontinued; however, I know that it will be ready eventually. ^_^

      What does everyone else think regarding this? Maybe It's just me going through HB withdrawal, but I'd like to hear more opinions on this subject. Does anybody relate to me, at this point? Checking for an update every few hours, despite knowing the chance of it is highly improbable, lol.

      P.S. - I'm not trying to give the staff or devs a hard time, I just want to try to generate some level of communication. Communication is just, at least in my opinion, the foundation of any great business. :)
    2. prinnyhater1

      prinnyhater1 Member

      Nov 29, 2015
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      You will not get "some level of communication" they only update when a milestone is hit.
    3. SkyHigh

      SkyHigh Member

      Apr 15, 2010
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      Every day the bot is down cost them money.
      Due to the sensitivity of internal working and the random nature of these kinds of updates, I doubt there is much meaningful to say other than, we are working our way through it. They have to go through all the changes to see if any new stuff slipped in that could compromise they bot's functionality and security. Unit tests have to be run to see if there are any hitches. and so on.

      Just know they are working on it, and go play something else.
    4. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if we have something to share,we will do it on official thread

      follow it plz

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