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  • Couple of quick questions... X,Y,Z coordinates and scales; entering instances...

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by JMSFedaykin, Dec 26, 2012.

    1. JMSFedaykin

      JMSFedaykin New Member

      Dec 20, 2012
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      Hey There Everybody,

      Just had a couple more quick questions. First, am I interpreting the X, Y, and Z positions correctly? X is East / West, Z is North / South, and Y is Up / Down? Also, the scale is alot larger than what I was figuring from the in-game map coordinates.

      Also, the last thing I wanted to check is if there is an easy way to figure out the coordinates of a location beyond the trigger for an instance entrance (ie, the semi-transparent walls you run through to trigger an instance)? Right now, I'm fiddling with a MoveTo and just upping the Z value until it's past the trigger; since I have to move North to run through it. Then I figured I'd just use a Wait Timer until the instance has loaded. But as it stands right now, the bot just seems to stop at the trigger without running through it. I don't know if I just haven't set the target Z far enough or if there's something special I need to use to make it run through the trigger.

      Long Live The Fighters!
    2. JoeBrewski

      JoeBrewski New Member

      Jul 4, 2012
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      As I understand it:

      X, Y, and Z are, in questing scripts, 1/10th the value you'd find in SWTOR (10x internal multiplier in SWTOR before display).
      Y and Z in BW are flipped from what is in SWTOR. So when deciphering, just multiply what you see in the script by 10, and reverse Y and Z.
      Left to right and north to south, same from SWTOR to BW, you can just figure it out running the cursor over the map.

      In SWTOR, with the map open: Player Position is wrong (Y and Z are flipped - where the issue in BW came from originally I'm guessing), BUT the coordinates shown for the mouse/pointer ARE correct.

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