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  • FFXIV Reversing Question

    Discussion in 'Community Developer Forum' started by mistahmikey, Nov 12, 2015.

    1. mistahmikey

      mistahmikey New Member

      Jun 29, 2015
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      Been poking around ffxiv.exe using ida pro for a bit now, and have been educating myself on Window Applications via various internet resources. I have been able to decipher much of the WndProc and SubclassWndProc that ffxiv uses, but I be damned if I can figure out how the code responds to the various control interactions that occur. From everything I have read, it seems that WM_COMMAND messages should be generated by the controls and handled during interactions, but from what I can glean, these messages are being handled by the default message handlers.

      So if someone could help me understand where to look to find this sort of code, I would greatly appreciate it.


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