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  • [FULLY AFKABLE] The BEST way to farm Noblegarden eggs

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by connor107, Apr 8, 2012.

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    1. connor107

      connor107 New Member

      Mar 27, 2012
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      Hey guys, since there aren't any decent egg farming profiles or plugins out there, i thought i'd share my method of farming the eggs.

      What you will need:

      Autohotkey Setup:
      1) Download Autohotkeys from here: AutoHotkey
      2) In your autohotkey folder right click ---> New ---> Autohotkey Script
      3) Copy paste the following script:

      #IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
      ControlSend,,-,World of Warcraft
      sleep 100


      Basically what this script does, is spams the - key at a 100ms delay, and can be turned on and off with Caps lock.

      To run this script, go into your autohotkeys folder, right click the script and "Run Script"

      Ok, so now that we've dealt with autohotkeys you now need to get an auto clicker. Any free autoclicker will do the trick, i used this one here and it works beatifully:

      Free Mouse Auto Clicker - Download.com

      So now that you have both autohotkeys, and an autoclicker. Now you have to go in game and make a macro that will look like this

      /use brightly colored egg

      You have to macro this to the - key (VERY IMPORTANT IF YOUR GOING TO AFK)

      Now pick a spot where an egg spawns, zoom in your camera to full. Press caps lock to activate the script, and then start your autoclicker. (Make sure autoclicker is set to right click). And basically what will happen is the auto clicker will obviously right click the eggs and loot the eggs as they spawn, and the script will open the eggs for you, you CAN run an auto clicker without the script, but your bags will get full very fast.

      I did this last night and woke up with:
      485 chocolate eggs
      2 spring flowers
      8 blossoming branch
      3 tuxedo shirts
      1 tuxedo pants
      2 spring circlets
      1 spring robes.

      Hope this helps you guys! If you have any questions just leave a comment i'll check the thread everyday :)
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      closing this. hotkeys are the easiest way to get banned

      you can put this on mmowned, but not here.

      If you have a plugin or profile to release, go for it.
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