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  • HB Warrior lvl 29 - Bliik's Horde1-60 profile - Deltasniper3 fixed - standing still

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pastortom, Aug 25, 2010.

    1. Pastortom

      Pastortom New Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      My warrior, had been grinding alot in Felfire Hill now, and reached lvl 29 not long ago.. Now, it's been standing completely still, doing absoluteley nothing, for 30 minutes..

      Why is that? This never happened with my hunter here.. with same profile :p


      Here's the LOG:

      Activity: Looting Roaming Felguard.
      Activity: Pulling Mannoroc Lasher now.
      Attacking Mannoroc Lasher at 44 yards
      Activity: Combat
      Victory Rush
      Thunder Clap
      Shield Bash
      Heroic Strike
      Activity: Looting Mannoroc Lasher.

      Here's the Debug Log:

      [06:08:51:327] interact done: 0x2BED9940
      [06:08:52:695] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [06:08:52:863] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Mannoroc Lasher
      [06:08:53:13] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [06:08:53:163] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Mannoroc Lasher
      [06:08:53:310] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>
      [06:08:53:463] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Mannoroc Lasher
      [06:08:53:606] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0>

      Here's the Navigator Log:
      Could not generate full path from {X:2451,557 Y:-2365,635 Z:143,9036} to {X:2470,251 Y:-2346,79 Z:135,1202} (distance from end point to destination: 5,840185 yards)!
      Generated path from <2220,067, -2256,838, 108,7837> to <2173,93, -2952,28, 119,07> in 920 ms (0,92 seconds)
      Could not generate full path from {X:1962,042 Y:-3141,022 Z:101,4934} to {X:1977,091 Y:-3101,788 Z:111,6495} (distance from end point to destination: 2,484785 yards)!
      Generated path from <2128,911, -2978,151, 114,036> to <2032,354, -3052,678, 101,4727> in 234 ms (0,23 seconds)

      This has happened 3-4 times before, from 20-30 in Ashenvale.. But as soon as I move the character, it starts again..

      Is HB downloading meshes? Is that it?

      What's wrong?

      Activity was just stating the last loot it did, maybe loot malfunction?
    2. mctrix

      mctrix Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it could be because a gm is watching and hb knows there is one there and that is why it wont move...go check you home phone to see if there is a beeping noise - if so your phone has been tapped and they are waiting for you to contact your supplier before they ban you!

      on a serious not e in the nav log it tells you that it cant make a path to where it needs to go so manually move it to the next area and restart the bot

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