• Visit Rebornbuddy
  • Is it safe to use? And demo possible?

    Discussion in 'Stormbuddy Forum' started by sedif, Jul 29, 2016.

    1. sedif

      sedif New Member

      Aug 23, 2015
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      Questions are in title. Thanks for the answers from now.
    2. Tamahawk

      Tamahawk New Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Looks mostly normal but use with A.I. only, IMHO

      I can't show you a video because I never recorded one and the bot doesn't work right now, so I can't go and record one for you now.

      That said, it looks like a normal person playing. A normal n00b, but it doesn't appear out of the ordinary EXCEPT that it lives its own life, and isn't a team player. It won't know or listen to what others are doing and that's why I clearly suggested that you not use it with real people, and use it with A.I. *ONLY*. I would think that anyone half knowledgeable and paying attention could quickly tell that you are a bot and report you, as so many like to do.

      But that's my opinion, you can use it as you want when it comes back up.
    3. Elektrozoider

      Elektrozoider Member

      Jun 4, 2015
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      One thing I learned all this time from using buddy products is that their bots are the safest ones. They use a kind of security software mechanism on the cloud to detect file changes in blizzard games and when that happens the bot intentionaly stops running to prevent possible ban waves, I never knew any other bot with a lot of security prevention than buddy products.

      I have been using daily demonbuddy from years ago with any ban, and hearthbuddy with any ban, anyways any cheat on the world is 100% safe, so stormbuddy is not 100% safe, you know your risks when using a bot, however in my opinion buddy bots are 99,9% safe

      That answer to your question?.

      You can find stormbuddy gameplays on youtube, from random users. If for "demo" you mean a trial version of the bot, I don't know if they offer a demo app.

      PD: Sorry for my bad English speaking.

      Last edited: Aug 6, 2016

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