Was banned using new updated 9.0.2 within twenty minutes of playing. Never banned before been botting for 3+ years!
I was an active botter a few years ago. But just leveling toons and mining/herbing cause it's boring. But I don't understand that people are still using Honorbuddy tbh. It was detected eversince the huge banwave in May 2015. I know that there are people who will keep buttlicking HB and keep denying it. But face it. Honorbuddy isn't "safe" anymre since May 2015. The detection period took place between March and May 2015. Eversince then Blizzard has found an effective way to detect Honorbuddy. Keep denying it as much as you want. But installing HB and using it WILL get you banned for sure. It's only a matter of time. Wheter you bot for 10 minutes or 10 days, your account is auto flagged and banned in the next banwave or whenever they feel like banning someone. Oh and for the people who will ask me why I am here. As I said, I was an active botter and recently got an email from BossLand, promoting some kind of update, which brought up memmories. So I came to take a look in the ban section and laughed my ass off. If you care about your account, don't bot.