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  • Leveling to 85?

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sillydreams, Mar 3, 2011.

    1. Sillydreams

      Sillydreams New Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Is it worth it level to 85 with honorbuddy?

      I just came back to WoW and honorbuddy, and noticed the profiles I've been using grinding & some questing. Are taking quite a long time to level just in the 50-70 range.

      I've botted alot but never hit 75+

      Just wanted to know how many people are getting too 85 or how often and how long it dose take from level 1-85 and how the success rate is.

      If you do bot alot and have a stable profile to level please do tell me which one and class you are using.

    2. Jianyu

      Jianyu New Member

      Jun 14, 2010
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      Archaeology botting imo. gogo.
    3. Hi on Helium

      Hi on Helium New Member

      Jan 22, 2010
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      I've heard about 23days played to level 1-85 via botting and about the same for the average player. yes it will be slow, but it'll save you about 552hours of your life.


      if you don't mind me asking, what level do you start archaeology? do you start it at level 60 as soon as you get your mount? or do you wait until 70? 80? if you do start before you have 280% flying, do you still gain pretty nice xp/hour? and do you archaeology in the old zones, outlands, northern, or cata zones? Thanks =)
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2011
    4. Sillydreams

      Sillydreams New Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      Grinding or questing too 60?
    5. madman

      madman New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @HoHv2: I know your not asking me, but i figured i'd give you my "review" of arch lvling at 60 since comments with more depth than "yes i did it from 60" seemed hard to come by when i tried to figure out whether to go arching or keep on questing: I used questing profiles from 1-58 and 58-63, but at 63 they released the current hb version which fixed alot of the archeology problems so i decided to give that a go since i considered it to be safer for afk'ing than questing.

      at 63 i gained about 120k xp/h, at 66+ i was getting about 150k xp/hr
      While questing i was gaining about 210xp hr iirc, so its definitely quicker and i seemed to reward quite abit more gold, but im not feeling safe enough to let it run around questing while im at work.(at one point my toon tried to deliver an uncompleted quest for 4+hrs while i was at work)

      I chose to not use keystones as due to not questing, this seems to be a decent way to earn enough gold for the 280% mount by the time i hit 70. Ive got the 10% mounted speed boost from guild perks. Remember to not make it train above 375 untill your high enough lvl to handle the harder zones.

      So bottom line: Questing is great right now and hb crew and the public profile writers are doing a great job with this feature I barely had any troubles with it that it couldnt fix itself, but at the offchance something might happen i wouldnt recommend it if your gonna afk and not be within reach of your computer.
      Archeology, while not as quick, seems abit safer for afk'ing, thou it still has some stuck issues in some digging sites that your gonna want to blacklist when ur going completely afk.

      When i reach 70 ill probably give questing another shot, atleast untill i have equipped my toon with some wotlk items.

      GL :)
    6. ReZnoR

      ReZnoR Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      Of course it is! :)

      I have leveled a Worgen Druid by myself, and then I wanted to try playing a Worgen DK... but I really didn't wanna sit here and quest/grind by myself the whole time. So that's why I got Honorbuddy. :) Now I'm leveling a Human Paladin all the way from 1 to 85 with Honorbuddy. Questing and grinding.

      But I'll guess I switch over to pvpTool when I hit 60 or so. Because I can't use flying mounts with Honorbuddy... :p
    7. SAP_Buddy

      SAP_Buddy New Member

      Feb 5, 2011
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      Gatherbuddy leveling FTW. Leveled my DK from 75 to 85 with mining. 13 days played, including time for JCing.

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