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  • Need help regarding questions about expanding a botbase via plugin

    Discussion in 'Community Developer Forum' started by Yasuko, Mar 22, 2014.

    1. Yasuko

      Yasuko Member

      Oct 28, 2010
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      First let me start off saying that I do have experience with c#, but not much experience with writing plugins for any of the buddybots.

      My main question is: Is there a way to expand a botbase using plugins? More specifically the gathering botbase?

      My idea is to expand the botbase by adding another option to do at the beginning of harvesting the node, specifically for the purpose of farming unspoiled nodes. For miner this ability is Toil of the Mountains to render all unreachable slots reachable, then to harvest the item in whichever slot desired. I was originally looking at the code through dotpeek for the gathering botbase to make a custom one, but could not access the internal calls through a custom gathering botbase like the gathering one does, so I figured that trying my luck and that a plugin would be the only viable option..

      Is this even possible to do via a plugin, and if not, how could I go about expanding the current gathering botbase to meet my needs?

      I apologize if this sounds confusing

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