hia, some problems, it crashes the game and make it stutter/free nonstop. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/221856-game-freeze-2-a.html#post2015663 not usable at this point I believe.
I may write an enhanced version of this since I've recently started playing this game and the content for RebornBuddy is seriously lacking. For anyone using this though you can make it prioritise fates with a simple addition: Open patrol.cs and search for #region Chain Pull Then simply add the following underneath it: Code: if (ActiveFates != null && ActiveFates.Any()) { return; } This will completely exit the plugin pulse whenever a valid fate is active and should give 100% priority to fates.
So the plugin works real great, problem is it keeps attacking elite marks and other hunts. Which in turn pisses off other players. Does anyone have the info for those mobs? So that I may add them to the list of mobs to avoid. Particularly the hunts in Northern Thanalan. I don't really know what to search for and I can't always find them.