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  • Piloted Min/Bot Diadem Gathering Idea

    Discussion in 'Mining-Botany Profiles' started by HB9508D64, Jan 1, 2016.

    1. HB9508D64

      HB9508D64 Member

      Jul 11, 2011
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      Seems like when I'm solo gathering in Diadem I'm always a split second away from getting 1 shot by the patrol monster on its way back. Anybody use a FreeRange setup to save time? Checked out the gathering example profiles in the exbuddy directory and the format looks pretty significantly different than the updated profiles. Steel Sky Pirate Spoil from Min or Bot nodes, a the three 1 star materials unique to Diadem and used to craft the new relic quest items among another things. Sphalerite, Cloud Cotton Boll, Royal Mistletoe.

      And while I'm thinking about it, if the buried treasures were detectable that would be huge. The time saved by flying through an area and knowing there wasn't one you missed would save a ton of time. You can select them and they show up on the target bar so I'm sure there's some sort of ID they're associated with. Next time I see one I'll fire up the profile creator. Opening a buried chest counts towards your groups progress with spawning a rare mob from what I've read as well.

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