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    Discussion in 'Requests & Discussion' started by fizmaster7, May 24, 2017.

    1. fizmaster7

      fizmaster7 Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      This profile I got is Grinding Bot. I wanted to make the profile open some chests.
      I've tried but since it's Questing Bot, it cant open them.

      Hope i can get some help, maybe make the profile a Questing Bot.

      <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="OpenChesthook" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="HasItem(140220)" > <!-- Scavenger Cloth -->
      <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="140220" WaitTime="500" NumOfTimes="100" TerminateWhen="!HasItem(140220)" />

      <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="OpenChesthook" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="HasItem(129746)" > <!-- Oddly-Shaped Stomach -->
      <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="129746" WaitTime="500" NumOfTimes="100" TerminateWhen="!HasItem(129746)" />

      <CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="OpenStomachs" AllowUseWhileMounted="true" AllowUseDuringCombat="False" LogExecution="false" UseWhen="GetItemCount(129746) &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; Me.FreeNormalBagSlots &gt; 5" >
      <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="129746" />
      <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="250" />

      Attached Files:

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